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tornpentacle t1_ivzom6l wrote

I think you've misunderstood the vast majority of what you've read. You're making assumptions about the authors' intent and motivations when there really isn't evidence to suggest those to be the case. For example, it's very clear that they weren't trying to say "masks are bad" as you asserted, and the later statement in no way reads as a complaint about government regulation.

I kind of wonder if you just anticipated that someone could try to use this study to say those things and then subconsciously projected that anticipation onto the authors themselves? Because you've read a lot into this paper that just isn't there.

Edit: I do want to add that your criticism of using RH as a proxy is not included in my comments here...that is pretty reasonable.


grundar t1_ivzrc6g wrote

> I think you've misunderstood the vast majority of what you've read.

If you would care to quote and discuss specific examples, I would be happy to dig into those. It is always possible that I've misunderstood.

Without anything specific to discuss, though, it's hard to meaningfully address your comment. Vague generalities don't provide much in the way of substance.

> I do want to add that your criticism of using RH as a proxy is not included in my comments here...that is pretty reasonable.

That's...80% of my comment.

80% of the rest was pointing out that they're making unsupported claims based on their survey (awareness vs. practice).

So, yes, there was indeed a small amount of editorializing based on my impressions having read through the paper. I believe I clearly marked those as such, so I don't think that's unreasonable. (As always, though, I could be wrong on that, and am open to specific arguments to the contrary.)


aairman23 t1_ivzy1vt wrote

Thank you both for having a civil exchange about COVID masks. This is what we NEED more of.


BurnerAcc2020 t1_iw34tgd wrote

If you are interested, he is hardly alone in making these criticisms. Check out these comments from when I posted this on a different sub myself.