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Ruski_FL t1_iwdd8hk wrote

I feel the same. It doesn’t matter how many people I know or talk to. I feel always alone. It’s depressing.

Sometimes I find a romantic partner and feel like we know each other but it goes away.


AtomicPickles92 t1_iwdezhv wrote

I feel the same about a romantic partner.

I think the problem is we aren’t getting the chemicals we need and should be getting from these interactions.

I think we are defecient in something and it cause primary and secondary issues.

Primary: A feeling of loneliness

Secondary: An inability to sate my social appetite

I’m talking out of my ass though. I think legitimately that therapy and mental health treatment is really the only way to address it properly at this time in our life.


Ruski_FL t1_iwdh3c9 wrote

Yeah for sure.

Some people around me mentioned I might have adhd. I just gotta find a good mental health to profesional.