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OrbitalATK t1_iwgzqrl wrote

> Most research to date focuses on aiding criminal investigations in cases of sex trafficking

Can't say this is all too surprising.

> but more work is needed to support other anti-trafficking activities like supporting survivors, adequately address labor trafficking, and support more diverse survivor populations including transgender and nonbinary individuals.

Unsure as to how AI will solve any of these problems.


[deleted] t1_iwi9vsa wrote

In the same way as science helps anything: by understanding problems and potential solutions/ameliorations.

AI is to date fancy partially automated statistical modeling.


asbruckman OP t1_iwhvi5e wrote

After researching this topic for five years, I have concluded that making the AI better is NOT HELPING MUCH. I started working on this topic because I had a nice student who I wanted to help. But TBH I would never touch it again, unless the focus was on helping survivors.