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Outypoo t1_iym0mnm wrote

Does knowing life evolved on earth not just mean the exact same thing? Knowing it happened on 2 planets is a bit arbitrary when we know it already happened on ours, unless people think we are the only planet out of billions/trillions+?


Double_Distribution8 t1_iymhrag wrote

We don't know the odds for life evolving, we only have a sample size of 1 currently. For all we know it's a 1 in a 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 chance.

If we found out that life evolved independently on another planet or moon in our solar system, then that means life is not so rare at all. That would mean the universe should be absolutely infested with life. And then the question would be "where is everybody"?

And there are various potential answers to that question.