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Willbilly1221 t1_j1kh6y7 wrote

Sadly Marimo moss balls are in danger and have been for a while. The Aquarium hobby is an unlikely yet surprising champion in the conservation of them. They are in fact not an aquatic moss, but a species of macro algae, and some marimo balls have been known to live for over 100 years if kept properly. They get their round ball shape by tumbling under water like tumble weeds do in the dessert. They even produce extra pearling (or oxygen bubbles) to promote buoyancy in the morning to help them float and grab up more sunlight durring day time hours and then slowly float back down in the evening and rest at the bottom.


Roboticpoultry t1_j1mg49l wrote

I have half a dozen in my aquarium. They’re going in 5 years old now and have probably doubled in size since I got them


KmartQuality t1_j1mnezw wrote

You should post pictures. Do yours go up and down?


Roboticpoultry t1_j1moyw5 wrote

They don’t really move unless some of the fish are messing with them


KmartQuality t1_j1nfb09 wrote

I speak for the internet by saying we want to see your fish mess with Marino moss balls.