clusterlizard99 t1_j0ypm6n wrote
So what are current weekly work hours for male vs female physicians?
Yotsubato t1_j0z79ji wrote
Highly depends on specialty.
It varies from 40 to about 80 a week.
Many women typically worked part time in the past. Outpatient care from like 9 to 3 pm. To be able to drop off and pick up the kids for example.
Some women in surgical specialties work 80 hour weeks and have their husband take care of the kids. It really varies greatly on an individual basis.
Wiggijiggijet t1_j0zew9t wrote
~53 down to ~49 from the article
clusterlizard99 t1_j0zfdrs wrote
Yes, but what are the weekly hours worked for males and what are the weekly hours worked for females. These percentage decline/rises mean nothing without reference points.
I don't have access to the full article unfortunately.
imdfantom t1_j0yqebv wrote
I don't know because I'm not from america, but when I worked in hospital here, over a 5 week period, we were expected to have 3 of the weeks would be 60 hours long, and the other 2 would be 80 hours long. Luckily I'm out of that situation, now.
I've had friends who were expected to work 120 hour weeks for a period of 3 months, but that was in a different specialty.
So I did a bit of digging so the average in america is about 50 hours per week. About a quarter of which work 60-80 hours per week.
Jerund t1_j10e4gw wrote
Do you get overtime for those hours more than 40 hours a week?
imdfantom t1_j10hacn wrote
Yes. Converting to dollars: $13 per hour for the first 40 hours then overtime kicks in.
Jerund t1_j10hgab wrote
13 dollars an hour as a physician? Omg…
imdfantom t1_j10ityh wrote
This was the case for many years, though the exact pay varies in accordance to your rank.
About 10-15 years ago the union managed to get specialists a considerably higher wage. It still is the pay for people who haven't fully specialized.
Jerund t1_j10jcav wrote
But is it more than say your average office worker? It’s all relative to everything else
imdfantom t1_j10lsns wrote
A teacher (and doctors) starts at about $12.5/hr I'm not sure about other jobs.
Average wage is about $9, minimum wage is about $4.5
But there is a lot of undeclared/untaxed work here so these figures are probably artificially low (as in there are many people on unemployment benefits that are making quite a lot of money in undeclared work.
Jerund t1_j10lx8s wrote
If you don’t mind me asking. What country is this? Very curious since here in the usa. It’s completely different
imdfantom t1_j10n3da wrote
It's in the EU, lets say that
faen_du_sa t1_j10v7yh wrote
As someone who just moved to Italy, smells Italy!
[deleted] t1_j10vxtp wrote
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