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imdfantom t1_j10hacn wrote


Jerund t1_j10hgab wrote

13 dollars an hour as a physician? Omg…


imdfantom t1_j10ityh wrote

This was the case for many years, though the exact pay varies in accordance to your rank.

About 10-15 years ago the union managed to get specialists a considerably higher wage. It still is the pay for people who haven't fully specialized.


Jerund t1_j10jcav wrote

But is it more than say your average office worker? It’s all relative to everything else


imdfantom t1_j10lsns wrote

A teacher (and doctors) starts at about $12.5/hr I'm not sure about other jobs.

Average wage is about $9, minimum wage is about $4.5

But there is a lot of undeclared/untaxed work here so these figures are probably artificially low (as in there are many people on unemployment benefits that are making quite a lot of money in undeclared work.


Jerund t1_j10lx8s wrote

If you don’t mind me asking. What country is this? Very curious since here in the usa. It’s completely different