Submitted by GivenAllTheFucksSry t3_zt6p2i in science
EvelcyclopS t1_j1c8aq5 wrote
No reason to legislate against it then right?
Sounds like it’s less damaging than alcohol.
LumberSmurf t1_j1d82i0 wrote
FAR LESS, why do you think they have been trying to destroy it for years?
It's one of the few medications that doesn't come with a huge list of detrimental side effects.
Truly God's gift to mankind but many are too greedy to see it.
BDM-Archer t1_j1eu8ql wrote
If your $200 pill doesn't come with side effects how else can they sell you the $300 pill?!
[deleted] t1_j1ft13c wrote
[deleted] t1_j1djqxw wrote
herpaderpadont t1_j1dknqy wrote
I don’t think “they” want us dependent on alcohol. I do think there are huge alcohol lobbyist that conspire to keep marijuana illegal in a lot of states.
I do think there are still stigmas held against marijuana especially by the older generation.
EmperorKira t1_j1dyj0h wrote
Yeah there is no grand conspiracy. Just normal greed
All_cheeki_n0_breeki t1_j1e6l97 wrote
So just a regular conspiracy then
ADHD_NO_PHD t1_j1doxrw wrote
Oh boy… I wish I could tell everyone about my experience growing up in small Christian-wannabe town turned “ghetto” (I hope you know what I mean) and also going to a private Christian school by a HUUUUGE military base. The evangelicals are INSANE and there are a LOT. Nervous and anxious to their core, never leaving their bubble.
This is what weed being illegal and alcohol being legal represent to me. The patterns are too common and precise to be a coincidence. It’s narcissistic to the core.
These private Christian schools are basically trying to raise mini-ceos. These are frat boys. These are politicians. They’re becoming doctors. This is white nationalism. This is what’s keeping weed illegal. I want to be wrong. “town hall syndrome” is what me and my buddies that have come to the realization call it
[deleted] t1_j1e0ww4 wrote
BreakfastX t1_j1e5reo wrote
I happen to live on a border town in Wisconsin and our local smoke shop carries D9 edibles. We even had a stall during our town summer festival selling them as well as smokables in the middle of it all. I never thought I'd live to see the day. First time I even heard of legally purchasable THC products in WI was while vacationing in the Dells and saw an ad for a shop next to the jerky place in the middle of the main tourist center. Now I know what that first guy to buy grass from Colorado felt like. Pretty sure I had the same expression on my face as he had in the photo.
dedicated-pedestrian t1_j1e9xt4 wrote
How is Delta 9 anyhow? I'm not too experienced with weed, so I don't know how it differs.
BreakfastX t1_j1ee4kc wrote
Granted I have very little experience with old fashioned cannabis derived THC, but Hemp derived D9 does the job well. An effective dose for me is about 20mg at 260lbs especially if I take it before a meal (as opposed to after).
I actually prefer D8 personally with an effective dose of 40mg. Feels much less fuzzy which allows me focus and enjoy movies or games like they're brand new even if I've seen them 100 times.
Unfortunately my local smoke shop is choosing to only stock D9 because it's "real" so my dwindling supply gets much less attention than I'd like.
curiosityasmedicine t1_j1enzm7 wrote
Check r/delta8 for recs on good brands you can order online. Personally I like Delta Farms, 3Chi, and Nature’s Purpose.
BreakfastX t1_j1fdfrp wrote
I'll check that out. For some reason the idea of ordering the devils lettuce across state borders via mail is still mind boggling to me.
curiosityasmedicine t1_j1fg1ee wrote
Some states have banned delta 8 but sounds like that’s not you since you have local shops selling! And the three brands I mentioned are reputable with their COAs. Before I moved to a state with legal recreational cannabis I ordered my D8 from those 3 places I mentioned. Hell, I still often prefer the D8 and D9 gummies I order online to anything local dispensaries sell.
warren_stupidity t1_j1e2cay wrote
The older generation now being boomers, almost all of whom have smoked pot.
Fringelunaticman t1_j1ee6n9 wrote
This is far from true. The hippies were a tiny tiny section of people in the 60s/70s. The vast majority didn't smoke pot when younger. This pew research shows just 4% had smoked pot in the year 1969.
Boomers are the biggest new consumers of cannabis but they doesn't mean they used in the 60s. Pop culture just makes you think they did because the hippies were the loudest group and most written about group of that time. Plus, they are idolized because of their anti-establishment ideas
ryanwalraven t1_j1epcgv wrote
This. Older folk like to take claim Rock n Roll, Woodstock, psychedelic art, and literature as part of their contributions to culture, but hippies were widely scorned and demonized at the time and the war of drugs was meant to criminalize their behavior.
[deleted] t1_j1enabd wrote
MxEverett t1_j1equ5x wrote
By the mid 1970's this percentage was much higher.
[deleted] t1_j1edrnh wrote
Illustrious_Formal73 t1_j1epm44 wrote
Weed is still illegal for one reason
"You just expect me to admit that I've been wrong the past 50 years and ruined people's lives and should probably face repercussions for hiding the truth to cover my misdeads?"
bakedlayz t1_j1eobdx wrote
I think “they” do want us dependent and addicted to substances and hobbies that keep people living paycheck to paycheck.
[deleted] t1_j1dmniy wrote
[deleted] t1_j1dmwet wrote
Vladtheimpailer72 t1_j1ejrnb wrote
Correct. In Wi the Tavern League is a huge lobby and absolutely opposed to legalization.
FriedDickMan t1_j1dmqao wrote
It’s not a malicious conspiracy, it’s purely about money. If it was more profitable to keep people happy and healthy, they would.
sambull t1_j1dm0xk wrote
next you'll tell me they want to make my whole life a rental/subscription model
[deleted] t1_j1dpn6l wrote
scootscooterson t1_j1e3zpj wrote
It’s Occam’s razor. Social conservatives are scared of drugs and there’s lots of money to be made in keeping drugs illegal. The general principle is don’t waste time on conspiracies when simple linear answers exist.
LumberSmurf t1_j1do7cg wrote
Isn't it funny how things that have serious withdrawals are legal? Not just alcohol either, look at many prescriptions. "they" are predators, they get people addicted and reap the profits. Think this "fentanyl" is just a coincidence? Just happens its right after they get caught massively over-prescribing opioids?
WhenSquirrelsFry t1_j1dwt93 wrote
Idk the longer we live the more we will spend. I don’t think it’s a conspiracy, I just think it’s a byproduct of capitalism/greed. I’ve never had a doctor urge me to stay on a medication beyond it’s necessary treatment, and I have some significant medical issues. My doctors suggest things like acupuncture, physical therapy, meditation and mindfulness practices, and are hesitant to prescribe meds.
SEND-ME-FEET-P1CS t1_j1eecbn wrote
Not true, as we get to senior status, the government and businesses start having to pay for us to live. Not to mention we end up not being in shape to work and retire so theres really no use for people in a business sense once you hit retirement age, cant even have kids in most cases and the risk for mental diseases/illness drastically go up the older you get so that alone creates even more problems for bigwigs to have to pay more for assisted living
WhenSquirrelsFry t1_j1euo4d wrote
I meant spend in terms of pharmaceuticals, I failed to clarify.
[deleted] t1_j1e9vax wrote
SEND-ME-FEET-P1CS t1_j1eeqwq wrote
While I agree with your point that the government just wanted all forms of marijuana in general to be outlawed, if you think Reefer Madness wasnt a conspiracy against weed, then you need to actually look at what was contained in that footage. I mean for fucks sake the poster even shows people smoking pot with weird anti-weed slogans
[deleted] t1_j1eflk2 wrote
Classic_Beautiful973 t1_j1efsnv wrote
Orders of magnitude less. You couldn't survive taking 50x the typical dosage if it wasn't the case. Active:lethal dose ratio is very often a direct predictor of the damage the drug is doing. That, how dissimilar it is to endogenous neurotransmitters, and how much the systems the interact with interfere with physiology. 4-ho-dmt aka psilocin, the metabolized version of psilocybin in mushrooms, is a structural cousin of tryptophan, is a selective agonist to a subtype of serotonin receptors associated primarily with non physiological functions like mood, perception, cognition, sense of self, and has a LD50 on the order of dried pounds.
Literally in rats about 3g mushrooms per kg of rat for LD50. That's basically going to be more plant material than you could even bring yourself to swallow before puking. Still risky in other ways, especially without a sitter, or inexperienced taking too much, but outcomes tend to be net positive or neutral when taken with care. Sometimes even people who take way too much with no experience make it through with borderline miraculous experiences like Paul Stamets stutter cessation and some cases of nerve growth repair. And certainly at least temporary remission of depression, anxiety, pain disorders, and other semi-common mental illnesses. Can't say the same for alcohol, or any other significant drug sans cannabis.
More dangerous substances tend to interact with the broad spectrum of a neurotransmitter, or multiple, usually with dopamine, GABA, norepinephrine, or opioid, some adrenaline ones. Or in the case of alcohol, GABA + NMDA iirc. And anyone who knows drugs knows that combining those two classes together is extremely risky, but that's just what alcohol is naturally.
NMDA (antagonists) in isolation are also interesting because it basically just affects south of the head nerve function. Hence, anesthesia and dissociative anesthetic experiences that are powerful but still have a pretty wide range of potential survivable dose compared to alcohol, although less than HT-2A-based stuff and cannabis. Often dangerous things are reputable inhibitors which just trick existing signals to stay rather than introducing cousins of what's already there that fits the same key hole. And when receptors and endogenous agonists downregulate to try to bring you back to hemeostasis, after which the false "on" switch is removed, your physiological systems start to have issues because of not enough signaling. By contrast, HT-2A agonists like psilocybin have even been shown to stimulate nerve and neuron growth through a similar pathway that light cardio does.
But anyway, I'm no neuroscientist and this stuff gets confusing very quickly. But to reduce it, alcohol is basically one of the most dangerous drugs there is, especially because it's culturally sanctioned, easily available, and liquid at room temp, therefore comes across as less harmful. The preparations for other drugs are just much more unique by comparison to alcohol being little different than pouring a ginger ale
[deleted] t1_j1fxa3k wrote
[deleted] t1_j1fz1hs wrote
edtoal t1_j1i8cyc wrote
You mention surviving 50x typical dosage and then reference LD50. Is there a correlation between these two or is the number 50 just a coincidence?
FidelityDeficit t1_j1iq0vi wrote
LD50 is the dose of a given substance required to kill 50% of the test population.
So yes, coincidence.
edtoal t1_j1jiisy wrote
Thanks for replying. I know what LD50 is, I’m wondering if Classic_Beautiful973 does.
[deleted] t1_j1d2ccj wrote
unlocked_axis02 t1_j1fxylg wrote
Yeah I’m starting to realize I almost definitely have bad anxiety ,and honestly when I get checked I’m hoping to get my card afterwards since I suck at swallowing pills and at least in theory it sounds like it would be better since weed and things like cbd extract as far as i know doesn’t have as many side effects and if I need other meds later it may not effect them as much.
lrp347 t1_j1go2q1 wrote
Low dose is key because marijuana can increase anxiety. I keep around 5mg THC and am relaxed and have no extra anxiety afterwards.
unlocked_axis02 t1_j1gvr1b wrote
Definitely I know people who early on when they first started trying weed accidentally set off panic attacks from taking to much so the best results is a low dose I’m pretty small so a low dose is especially important to have
[deleted] t1_j1cbmch wrote
[deleted] t1_j1edyj3 wrote
[deleted] t1_j1ekj2j wrote
[deleted] t1_j1d0okz wrote
[deleted] t1_j1d282k wrote
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