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banjosuicide t1_j17wyym wrote

Additionally it was funded by Entoura, whose name is mentioned not infrequently in the paper.

Having worked in research, I've seen it's not uncommon for companies to commission a number of studies and choose to publish only those that happen to support their product. That's not to say this isn't legit, but I'm always wary of industry-sponsored studies.

edit: a word


ImSorry2HearThat t1_j18ugxr wrote

First thing we learned in my psychology 101 class. Always see who funded the research


Doomquill t1_j19eal7 wrote

I'm a stay at home Dad. Probably the single thing I learned in college that I use most often is vetting sources for bias and accuracy.

Trying to figure out how to make a balanced diet is insanely hard, if you're interested in finding actual information about what our bodies actually need.

"Eat carbs!" ~Study by the Carbohydrate Consortium "Eat eggs!" ~Study by the Egg Exhibition "Eat steak!" ~Study by Ranchers Reunited


RafiqTheHero t1_j1ajh3a wrote

Finding a balanced diet by studies alone can be difficult.

But it's hard to go wrong by sticking with minimally processed foods that are mostly plant-based. That's what most cultures around the world have done for hundreds of years, if not longer.

Journalist/author Michael Pollan (who has researched/investigated food a lot) has a saying, which seems pretty helpful. "Eat food, mostly plants, not too much."

The cultures in the world with a high number of people who live to be 100+ essentially eat this way. Not vegetarian, but low meat consumption with an emphasis on vegetables, healthy oils, grains, fruits, nuts, seeds, etc.


Doomquill t1_j1am3yj wrote

I still have a desire to find a hydroponic/greenhouse solution the "simplest sustainable meal", something (or set of somethings) that can provide mostly complete nutrition that can be grown in one's basement or greenhouse or what have you. Unfortunately food variety is both the spice and preserver of life.


ZebulonPi t1_j18qgtj wrote

I wouldn’t be surprised if most of these Reddit posts were ALSO sponsored by cannabis companies. They make all these claims, with little to no actual clinical research, and then trumpet them out to the masses, all to get people to believe that getting high, which is something they already want to do, is actually somehow good for them. It reminds me of the “alcohol is good for your heart” myth that went around a while ago.


seven_tech t1_j18rv46 wrote

But CBD doesn't get you they have nothing to gain by doing that here.

Edit: nevermind- I read 'cannabis oil' as 'CBD oil'.

For disclosure - I use CBD oil. It doesn't 'help me sleep' but does reduce my anxiety and anxious thoughts, which is what keeps me awake often.