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cistacea t1_j1qie90 wrote

Grew up in a logging family and one of the biggest frustrations that my dad always had was environmentalists kind of having theories about the way that forests work, but not really any having any firsthand knowledge due not really having spent significant time in forests. I'm glad that some research, finally, is bearing out some of the wisdom that people who work in forests have had for a long time


Leemcardhold t1_j1ra6q0 wrote

Yup, has anyone ever met a forester who was completely anti-logging? Nope. Because foresters and some loggers know how the forest works.


cistacea t1_j1rbhsc wrote

Literally decades of my dad and other older lumberjacks telling me about how the West Coast forests used to regularly burn, and forest fire prevention efforts were actually making the forest fires worse, but my mom's family, who are all very well educated and environmentally conscious laughing them all off as uneducated idiot who just want to make a buck from strip mining the Earth. And then, everybody started learning from Dr Paul hesberg about the era of megafires which completely validated everything that my dad's family had always been said.