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theKtrain t1_j0ocot0 wrote

Anecdotally just through relationships on sports teams or whatever, I’ve seen the rate be way higher for my black peers compared to their white counterparts. This is just one source but every time I’ve looked it up, it’s basically the same numbers.

The stats don’t show generational or family help, which does help, but even that isn’t a total replacement for a kids father being involved in their life and supporting them.

Of course some kids are raised by a single parent and turn out great and I’m definitely not saying it’s impossible, but overall if you take a hundred kids with 2 involved parents and see how they perform compared to hundred kids from a 1 parent home, the kids with 2 parents are going to do better overall. It’s simply a disadvantage.

More money to provide for better things/opportunities, more parental guidance to help a kid find their way, more time to be involved in their life, having a role model, etc.

All of this stuff is compounded when the single parent is poor, and the black community is generally poorer and it just makes it even harder for them.