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AllanfromWales1 t1_j2j93ec wrote

The power of propaganda..


SplitPerspective t1_j2l85am wrote

Western information superiority and Manufacturing consent is a hell of a drug…


InevitableAd5222 t1_j2n3c53 wrote

You said the exact same thing as the guy below but he is -20 and your +20. Cant tell if the public is stupid and misunderstood you or if your comment had a selection bias of Chomsky fans


Halcyon_Rein t1_j2nw090 wrote

You wanna elaborate on that


AllanfromWales1 t1_j2nytwr wrote

Western propaganda strongly pushes the idea that West is good, Russia is bad. Russian propaganda strongly pushes the idea that Russia is good, West is bad. Both are highly effective tools within their own spheres of influence, most people in the West and most people in Russia believe the propaganda they are exposed to, while people in non-aligned countries, not exposed to either set of propaganda, are less likely to make so simple a judgement.


fitzroy95 t1_j2jco7l wrote

Yup, it shows that western propaganda is just as pervasive and effective as propaganda from China & Russia


dontpet t1_j2jf9on wrote

I think propaganda is quite different between those two groupings.


fitzroy95 t1_j2jfp0v wrote

all are promoting and encouraging blind nationalism plus demonization of the current "enemy"


valcoral t1_j2k06nc wrote

I think you both are right. They are all using propaganda and there are differences in their propaganda.


diladusta t1_j2kfq22 wrote

Russian and chinese propaganda is on a level of its own


fitzroy95 t1_j2kk1gf wrote

US propaganda via its corporate media has a much greater global impact, after all thats what has allowed them to invade, undermine, coup and regime-change nation after nation over the last 150 years, with a body count of foreign civilians in the millions.

Without their corporate media complicity and enablement, their incessant imperialism and warmongering wouldn't have been so successful and widespread for so long.

Russian and Chinese propaganda is mainly aimed at keeping their own populations compliant, US propaganda is aimed at convincing the western world (and their own populations) that US imperialism is acceptable, and all of those dead foreigners is just the price the world needs to pay to allow US corporations to rule the globe.


ApetteRiche t1_j2n6hsa wrote

Correct and the beauty is we can still call the US out for it, including Americans. That wouldn't be the case if China or Russia was in charge.


Resident_Courage1354 t1_j2lqesg wrote

Chinese propaganda is not mainly aimed at its own population.
Do a little research and perhaps you will "see".


jdbolick t1_j2kwjdu wrote

Your comment is proof regarding the effectiveness of Russian propaganda since most of what you're saying is nonsense.

The United States military has never invaded a democracy. Even in nations it did invade, such as Iraq, natural resources were not seized. The majority of post-war Iraqi contracts went to Chinese companies. India ranked second, then U.S. companies were a distant third.

The U.S. also supplies more humanitarian aid annually than the next four nations combined.


jonsterz123 t1_j2l5hv3 wrote

Idk man, the US had interfered with 81 foreign elections between 1946-2000.

Denying realpolitik is a telltale sign of nationalistic propaganda - is it hard to believe that the US fights for its interests in an amoral/immoral way? Or would you rather believe American hegemony is the only exceptional one in all of history?


jdbolick t1_j2l5yd3 wrote

I never claimed that the United States behaved in an entirely benevolent manner, as the CIA has been involved in long list of nefarious behavior. But it is a fact that the U.S. military has never invaded a democracy, unlike Russia. It is a fact that the U.S. did not seize Iraq's resources when it very easily could have, unlike Russia and China. It is also a fact that the U.S. provides the most humanitarian aid to other nations by an enormous amount annually.


jonsterz123 t1_j2l8hjt wrote

Your points don't provide evidence for why you think that the existence of wide-reaching US propaganda that promotes US interventionist foreign policy is just Russian propaganda.

In fact, you chiming in to justify US military intervention when you're replying to a comment about how US propaganda is used to rationalise US military intervention is telling that you are being propagandised into legitimising US military interventions.

Also, is Iraqi oil not a resource?

The fact is the US has no moral high ground in its actions so must find ways to justify protecting and advancing its interests to its population and allies. They do this by media influence today, but states were using religious establishments in the past.


jdbolick t1_j2lanvq wrote

> Your points don't provide evidence for why you think that the existence of wide-reaching US propaganda that promotes US interventionist foreign policy is just Russian propaganda.

They wouldn't because I never said that. I pointed out that Russian propaganda on social media has influenced lesser minds into believing that the U.S. is "just as bad" as Russia when the facts conclusively show otherwise.

> you are being propagandised into legitimising US military interventions.

Pointing out the fact that the United States has never once militarily invaded a democracy is not propaganda, it is important context regarding the nature of its military interventions. Saddam Hussein was a brutal dictator and the Taliban are a heinously repressive regime. Taking military action against them is in no way equivalent to Russia invading Ukraine or China invading Tibet.

> Also, is Iraqi oil not a resource?

Yes, and the majority of post-war Iraqi oil contracts went to China.


jonsterz123 t1_j2leauu wrote

> Your comment is proof regarding the effectiveness of Russian propaganda since most of what you're saying is nonsense.

What do you mean by this then? The guy was saying that US propaganda is widespread and promotes US interventionist foreign policy for the benefit of US corporations, is that part nonsense or do you mean something else is nonsense?

At the end of the day we can agree to disagree.

You think US interventionist policy is justified because other countries are fucked up and need fixing. (Or at least more justifiable than other countries foreign interventions).

I think that the above justification is US propaganda fed to lesser minds to distract them from the idea that US interventions are ultimately for the benefit for the US and disregard the welfare of those being interfered with.

I think the US gov never really moved away from Kissinger style realpolitik and just learnt a lesson from the outcome of Vietnam War in managing the internal optics of military intervention. You can't let your own population think you're the bad guy.


jdbolick t1_j2lgwfy wrote

> The guy was saying that US propaganda is widespread and promotes US interventionist foreign policy for the benefit of US corporations, is that part nonsense or do you mean something else is nonsense?

I already explained this, so either you have spectacularly poor reading comprehension or you are pretending not to understand because you don't want to acknowledge my point.

He said: "Russian and Chinese propaganda is mainly aimed at keeping their own populations compliant, US propaganda is aimed at convincing the western world (and their own populations) that US imperialism is acceptable, and all of those dead foreigners is just the price the world needs to pay to allow US corporations to rule the globe."

The claim that Russian propaganda is mainly inward is clearly false, as Russia has engaged in sweeping measures throughout social media to promote foreign candidates (e.g. Trump) and causes (e.g. Brexit) that benefit Russian interests. Meanwhile, the U.S. is not even imperialist, much less using propaganda to justify imperialism. U.S. media coverage of military involvements has been mostly negative, spurring significant public resistance against them.

> You think US interventionist policy is justified because other countries are fucked up and need fixing.

I'm saying that Saddam Hussein and the Taliban are extremely different from Zelensky and the Dalai Lama.

> US interventions are ultimately for the benefit for the US

Again, the majority of Iraqi oil post-war has gone to China, not the United States. The U.S. could have easily just taken those resources and did not. Giving the Iraqi government that autonomy doesn't undo the civilians who died as a result of the invasion, but it does prove you wrong regarding the motives behind the invasion.

> You can't let your own population think you're the bad guy.

Yet the U.S. media is relentlessly negative toward U.S. actions abroad, and no one complains more about America than a certain section of Americans.


Bloody__Penguin t1_j2lfz31 wrote

Yea, us patriotic Americans love our war crimes committed by guerilla groups and terrorists.

We would never subvert a democracy with boots on the ground like those savage Russians. We only sponsor terrorist groups , give them intel and sit idly by while they slaughter civilians or help the military establish a dictatorship because we love democracy so much!

Also it's totally cool to invade dictatorships because we are the world police and need to intervene and massacre civilians ourself.

Please read "manufacturing consent" by Noam Chomsky if you would actually like to educate yourself on how western media propaganda works vs totalitarian propaganda.


Resident_Courage1354 t1_j2lqr9g wrote

You're right on Chinese propaganda, but you're really missing the point and looking at things too black and white with the defense of America.
America is as evil as it gets.