[deleted] t1_j2lbc0v wrote
[deleted] t1_j2m5pcr wrote
[deleted] t1_j2maphn wrote
[deleted] t1_j2na6jd wrote
[deleted] t1_j2nq8be wrote
NemesisRouge t1_j2mh04m wrote
I'm sketchy on the details, but as I recall they were unsure how it even transmitted at the time. Wasn't there some genuine concern that people putting their hands to their face and adjusting masks could actually elevate risk if the virus was transmitted on surfaces?
[deleted] t1_j2mj6np wrote
[deleted] t1_j2naa8y wrote
[deleted] t1_j2n6muu wrote
[deleted] t1_j2mfn1o wrote
[deleted] t1_j2ly6x0 wrote
[deleted] t1_j2mx8fh wrote
Ok-Courage594 t1_j2ltjnf wrote
Funny how most of the people who are down on fauci are also ant maskers and anti vaxxers. Almost as though they’re grasping at anything to justify their preconceptions.
aquatogobpafree t1_j2m2cau wrote
Well isn't that pretty self explanatory.
They don't trust the man so they refuse his instructions.
Try have some perspective. If trump had faucis job at the time would you have taken the vaccine?
Ok-Courage594 t1_j2rb818 wrote
You make it sound as though fauci was unilaterally talking out of his ass, like trump does. The fact is that the medical community as a whole backed his recommendations, not just his overinflated ego. This kind of false equivalence is what’s wrong with so much of this ‘debate’.
So, what is your end game in rejecting the advice of medical professionals? The herman cain award?
gamershadow t1_j2m4enp wrote
Yes I would but I also would care enough to look up facts behind things.
aquatogobpafree t1_j2m55wz wrote
So the facts regarding trumps lying wouldn't be one of them?
Or would you turn a blind eye to it?
Then if trumps the face of the operation how can you trust the ones working for him?
Then (not saying I've put in the effort to research if the man is corrupt but ive seen a lot of people making that claim) how do you know the peers to review the studies aren't colluding?
Look I'm vaccinated but you do need to understand there's reasons why people had a lack of trust for the man and following his instructions.
Ofcoarse suggesting everyone involved in the vaccine could be part of some scheme is a bit of a big thing to say, and once again, I took the vaccine, so I'm not saying that they are.
But really all it would need is the right people trading their honour for money, and people do that every day.
So people had a right to be skeptical, and most people weren't doing the best job alleviating their scepticism most didn't even try.
[deleted] t1_j2lv15s wrote
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