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perpetual_evidence t1_j6mw2l5 wrote

so this paragraph from the article was confusing:


"In addition, those with greater relationship mindfulness tended to score higher on a measure of empathy, which in turn was associated with a decrease in attachment avoidance. In other words, those who agreed with statements such as “I have conversations with my partner without being really attentive” tended to be more empathetic, and those with heightened empathy were less likely to agree with statements such as “I feel comfortable depending on romantic partners.”

Any ideas what it meant?


Mindless_Button_9378 t1_j6n7hiy wrote

Essentially that those that used mindfulness had more empathy, or could understand and relate to their SO feelings, more effectively which decreased their resistance to attachment.


perpetual_evidence t1_j6nprnz wrote

> and those with heightened empathy were less likely to agree with statements such as “I feel comfortable depending on romantic partners.”

thank you i understand. but this part here does not read like that


KTROLSTER t1_j6ovpvu wrote

Yea you could try reading it in the cited study itself. The article seems to have gotten it backwards.