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daniuwur t1_j31ivun wrote

What's the difference between race and ethnicity?

That's too american for me to understand


ChrysMYO t1_j33kjw3 wrote

A Black Ethnic Igbo from Nigeria and a Black American born in America are both Racially Black. However, they are two different Ethnicities.

A South African can be ethnically Xhosa or Zulu. Same nationality. Can both be racially Black. However two separate ethnicities.

Ethnicity is objectively defined. Race is socially constructed based on context.


superbsubpar t1_j34ojpc wrote

Race as we now use it is completely made up and invented during colonization to separate those in power (white) from those not in power (black). While there is some genetic base to it it is mostly a class distinction. There is no such thing as a Hispanic race although it is used as such. But you can be 100% of European descent or 100%African descent etc and still technically be “Hispanic” same with Asian/Pacific Islander who all vary greatly in phenotype. Ethnicity is more real based in lineage, genes, and culture. An African American is a different ethnicity than a Haitian although they are both “black”. However Celia Cruz and Shakira are both “Hispanic”.
