silverfoxmode t1_j31jtjm wrote
You also have to figure in socioeconomic standing as far as mental health goes. The strain of being government dependent or even just outside of qualifying for assistance has to weigh heavily on individuals raising children in an already lopsided system designed (imo) to keep minorities and lower class whites shackled into a financial servitude of sorts. You work , it's not even enough , you can't provide, you don't work you are given just enough to survive but not enough to improve your situation. Yes there are jobs out there, I know a guy that has to have his wife work just to pay his fuel costs. He's home she's working and vice versa. The erosion of the family unit is one of the major factors in mental health issues(also just my opinion).
jxxi t1_j31vt8b wrote
Yes, but if you read the study. "After controlling for sex, age, educational attainment, engagement in risky behavior, household income, marital status, and the use of other drugs". They took financial status into account.
Particular_Being420 t1_j31z3v0 wrote
Income and education do not exactly amount to "financial status", there's stuff like assets, outstanding debts, credit history...
jxxi t1_j3235cr wrote
Okay sure those are additional parameters that could be taken into account. But the majority of student loan debt is owned by the upper and middle class. Credit card debt, the middle class. And not the lower class or poor people, of which I assumed the commenter was referring to.
silverfoxmode t1_j32fu4n wrote
What were the controls? It looks like there were twice as many whites polled than black/Hispanic. Also being white with money in America is different than being a minority with money in America. You never see a white rich man being profiled on the news . The Same with being white and poor vs minority and poor. There's a social stigma against minorities whether we want to admit it or not, money may help pad that some bit it still exists. That's why socioeconomics is important not only the amount of money.
Smurf-Sauce t1_j339to7 wrote
> You never see a white rich man being profiled on the news
SBF has been in the news for 2 months straight.
Stop with the lies, the cherry picking, and the confirmation bias.
ChrysMYO t1_j33ic1g wrote
I think you misunderstand what they mean by the term "profiled".
justinlongbranch t1_j35g3ek wrote
Yeah it seems like there are two types of profiling being discussed here. Profiling on the news can mean either showing a person's entire story and doing a profile on them almost like their Facebook page, or there's profiling that is for instance when a police officer racially profiles someone and pulls them over for being a person of color, or in the news when they show a suspects mugshot and share negative extraneous information about them eg they got a speeding ticket once and never returned that one book to the library.
StDysmas t1_j34feyb wrote
Do you think SBF didnt commit crimes or???
smokinsandwiches t1_j34kkvr wrote
You mean the guy that committed massive fraud is being profiled because he is white? He is in the news because he is guilty as hell. There was no profiling at all.
Smurf-Sauce t1_j39t1kb wrote
That’s not what profiled means in this context.
“Profiled on the news” means “featured on the news”.
smokinsandwiches t1_j39vx2j wrote
You don't decide the context of someone else's comment. That is not how this works.
Smurf-Sauce t1_j3ir4u1 wrote
That’s literally what the phrase “profiled in the news” means. “Profiled in the news” is a phrase synonymous with “featured in the news”. In this instance the word “profiled” isn’t standing alone, it’s part of an oft-used phrase with an established meaning. I didn’t have to use context to glean the meaning, the phrase has a known meaning.
jxxi t1_j34u283 wrote
Yes these are good points. Especially when taking into account the disproportionate drug arrests and harsher sentencing for minorities. Would probably make the experience less enjoyable.
funklab t1_j37090i wrote
But the whole title is basically misleading.
In that data there is no statistical difference between any of the ethnicities and whites, with the exception of the indigenous category, which has a confidence interval so wide that it must have a tiny sample size.
This study is powered to show that whites who used psilocybin and MDMA have lower rates of MDE (and last year only for hispanics) and that indigenous have a slightly higher rate of MDE compared to whites.
This study is just underpowered to show a difference in most of the ethnicities. Many of them probably show similar responses if you have enough of a sample size, and a confidence interval that crosses 1 just shows that you can't read anything into it.
dhpdx t1_j33xqb1 wrote
From the study:
“After controlling for sex, age, educational attainment, engagement in risky behavior, household income, marital status, and the use of other drugs…”
[deleted] t1_j3a37d3 wrote
ProphecyRat2 t1_j34rhvn wrote
Divide and Conqure.
corlick t1_j32hbuh wrote
What precisely is the strain of government dependance? I hear of people with nice 3 bedroom apartments in the projects for sub-1000$ a month and they lived there their whole life since 18. Ive been living at my parents in a tiny house while i get my degree and save for a massive down payment and id kill for that
silverfoxmode t1_j32oqsq wrote
In most situations you just don't walk into a HUD home like that , there's months, yrs on a list trying to find something. While still trying to verify an address being homeless to even collect a food card. In any government system there is going to be abuse of said system. The people you know are lucky. Most are already in a dysfunctional single parent home. Many only wish they could pay their own way and further their education like yourself. Your statement is that stigma they face . I've been there , blocks of cheese powdered milk . Watching my mother kill herself at three jobs just to meet the reduced rent .The government wasn't paying our bills just giving us a break on the rent. We hated it. It was our dirty little secret. Empathy is a rare commodity these days . It's always what about me. Trust me it's no road you'd want to go down .
sack-o-matic t1_j32nqck wrote
in the projects
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