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EmptyKnowledge9314 t1_j35awpu wrote

I was thinking about that. I don’t even know whether this study is valid (the source is notoriously unreliable) but my limited personal experience (white male 49) with psychedelics back in the day was almost entirely environmentally dependent. In a comfortable and safe environment I had healthy and enjoyable experiences. When the environment had the danger of any sort of problem I had paranoid and terrible experiences.

It stands to reason that minorities (with generally greater reason to fear some external intrusion) would collectively have worse experiences.

Which then leads me to believe any potential therapeutic benefits for minorities would require extra consideration of the environment (physical and otherwise) in which the therapy was undertaken.


MaxSucc t1_j35gnt0 wrote

idk if it’s because i’m from an impoverished black area (Brooklyn, NY) but everyone i know even in my immediate family except my mother and grandma does some type of drug where are you from?


MaxSucc t1_j35lq2c wrote

sorry this was for u/socialsanityy i was actually smoking a spliff while typing that


SocialSanityy t1_j35pun4 wrote

Down south , Florida . I should’ve stated which mind altering drugs exactly , I know lots of us have no problems with weed , but anything beyond that is a no no in our community .


SrRoundedbyFools t1_j35wlmf wrote

There’s no shortage of blacks who use PCP in combination with marijuana. It’s hardly a ‘no no’ - not daily abuse but plenty of incidents throughout the US of PCP being more common in black community use than Hispanic or white users.