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Sculptasquad t1_j46mx03 wrote

>A single session of exercise

Yeah that is some pricey stuff. Cost me a grand total of 500 calories and some wear and tear on my shoes to go for a run...


cosmicmerperson t1_j46nd5r wrote

A single yoga class is $20 on average. That is pretty expensive to factor in on a regular basis.


Sculptasquad t1_j46nqj7 wrote

You obviously don't need to pay for a yoga session to practice yoga either. Just make some space on the floor, find a free yoga instruction on youtube and have at it.

There is nothing magical that happens when you pay for a session as opposed to you just doing it on your own.


cosmicmerperson t1_j46r4jg wrote

That’s true. I do think that a guided yoga practice is a different experience than a solo practice. The article does not really specify whether the session was a class or not.


Twisted_Cabbage t1_j46om8l wrote

But you have to pay for yoga to learn yoga. Tell me some more stories that make you feel better about end stage capitalism.


ayposno t1_j46qr6k wrote

You can both critique capitalism AND know how to use YouTube.


glittersniffer15 t1_j46rp60 wrote

I have been practicing yoga for years and have not paid for one class or session, there are plenty of videos on YouTube.


fuckmeuntilicecream t1_j46sm8t wrote

Do you have a favorite channel? I am interested in getting into this


contagiousweeping t1_j478o22 wrote

I agree with Yoga with Adrienne and if you're still in school, you could also check out the down dog apps because they're free for students.