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Alert-Potato t1_j4ri5cq wrote

Every individual who has tried cannabis to replace a prescription medication is just another anecdote, but there's a hell of a lot of us anecdotes or would be anecdotes out here.

I've done the at home test to see if I could replace meds with cannabis. If I could get a reliable, strain specific local source (or if I got suddenly rich so I could afford it legally) I could sleep like the dead without any of the weird sleep drug side effects in the morning and be entirely opioid free. This would replace two meds. It would also clear up a handful of medical problems caused by the opioids.

Cannabis improves lives. And I'm really enjoying seeing more and more science that is bringing this from anecdotes to scientifically proven.


Jazzlike-Principle67 t1_j4sxc4q wrote

This is the same for the medical device, Alpha-Stim. Because (or at least until recently) any results were only anecdotal, insurance companies have refused to pay for coverage. Yet, the machine works so well that a few years back (during the start of the Opioid crisis), several pharmaceutical companies tried to get the FDA to pull it. Why? Because Alpha-Stim helps to relieve symptoms relating to Insomnia, Anxiety. Depression, and Pain. All the medications in these categories being impacted by one small machine that had it start back in the VA Hospitals around the 70's.

Of course, the Pharmaceutical companies were getting worried. If Opioids were losing their footing, what other big money makers might start going down in a domino effect?

Now that studies are being done, including brain scans that show actual brain changes, Alpha-Stim can start gaining a real foothold as a complementary resource for people who need it.
