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ukezi t1_j5y2t0z wrote

It's chemically a lot more complex for very little gain.

The redesign isn't much of one, you need better seals, maybe some different polymers for hoses and different timings. There were experiments done in the 80s.


facecrockpot t1_j5y3lz9 wrote

How is the methanol Synthesis easier than Fischer-Tropsch? Both are energy intensive in and of themselves not to mention the DAC of CO2


Pallasite t1_j5y87xa wrote

Why would the synthesize it if it s byproduct of carbon capture?


facecrockpot t1_j5y9j2w wrote

How are either of those a byproduct of CC? I haven't worked with CC so I really don't know.


kemisage t1_j66fvly wrote

Methanol is not a byproduct of carbon capture. Converting captured CO2 into methanol is an active step with the intention of creating methanol.