Thegarbagegamer97 t1_j5c5wft wrote
For a disorder that can have all sorts of effects on behavior and mental state, an online format self reporting method seems sketchy. I know you have to start somewhere but i think the jury is gonna have to be out a little longer on this one
rxneutrino t1_j5c7d60 wrote
>For their study, the researchers used a blog post on the CREST.BD website and social media advertisements to recruit a sample of 541 individuals who were at least 18 years old, had a self-reported bipolar disorder diagnosis, and had used psilocybin to achieve “a full psychedelic trip.”
>On a five-point scale from “Not at all” to “Extremely harmful,” the participants rated the harmfulness of their psilocybin experience as 1.6 on average. In contrast, they rated the perceived helpfulness of their psilocybin experience as 4 on average.
>However, 32.2% of participants reported experiencing negative or unwanted outcomes during or in the 14 days after a psilocybin trip. New or increasing manic symptoms were the most common side effect. Eighteen people reported the use of emergency services during or in the 14 days after a psilocybin trip.
So on average, participants thought it was more helpful than harmful, but 1 in 3 had worsening symptoms? Definitely needs more scrutiny.
Thegarbagegamer97 t1_j5c7v35 wrote
Defining helpful with a disorder like that is what im curious about. HOW does it improve it? Does it deal with the mania? The depression? Just a general improvement? So many questions to be had and so little info given.
Earthboom t1_j5c8ea0 wrote
I was definitely the 1 in 3 and it sucks. Felt great for about a week after the trip and then I became suicidal on week 2. Took myself into care and got the proper medication.
Shrooms have potential but there's quite a lot of work needed to rule out the kinks.
[deleted] t1_j5cbgfi wrote
Present_Use_6357 t1_j5ccu8n wrote
Marijuana triggered the worst mixed episode of my life but I didn’t notice anything with shrooms.
jeswaldo t1_j5cecn3 wrote
"Rewire" the brain a little with some Scooby snacks.
ClioEclipsed t1_j5cqebx wrote
"Scientists unravel the mysteries of the cosmos" as shown by this online self-reported survey.
[deleted] t1_j5crw9y wrote
[deleted] t1_j5cueb7 wrote
Martymcflyjr88 t1_j5cup4r wrote
But I thought people with bipolar disorder shouldn’t consume psilocybin?
[deleted] t1_j5cylp0 wrote
healthierlurker t1_j5d0l3k wrote
It was for me. But there was just a post on the one bipolar sub about someone who had an awful experience.
[deleted] t1_j5d1fax wrote
420caveman t1_j5d25wi wrote
No offense to anybody with this condition but my best mate whose bipolar had some mushrooms and NOPE. I DO NOT THINK PEOPLE WITH THIS CONDITION SHOULD HAVE THIS DRUG.
Especially when they're already taking prescription medicine from the doctor for it.
Fluid_Negotiation_76 t1_j5d3mjh wrote
Dosage is an important factor. I took way more than most people take and had a constructive trip. Looking back, that kind of risk seeking behavior and disregard for potential danger is a hallmark of a manic episode. I would recommend anyone with bipolar to avoid unnecessary risks, including drugs.
WaxyWingie t1_j5d42h2 wrote
Self reporting is a horrible way to measure something like this.
AirNeal t1_j5d4l10 wrote
Yeah just hired a maid who swears microdosing cured her bipolar. Doesn't seem very cured from my observations.
jrodshibuya t1_j5d5lbf wrote
I have bipolar and was very firmly warned off all hallucinogenic substances. Also is self-reporting reliable? The individuals believing it is helpful isn’t the same as objective analysis.
sunplaysbass t1_j5d5nyo wrote
What people have been saying forever
420caveman t1_j5d65hp wrote
Yeah, they think all the drugs they take on top of the doctors treatment is helping them.
DrEpileptic t1_j5d7rfl wrote
Also, how does the tolerance work with it?
DrEpileptic t1_j5d7z0m wrote
There’s a famous twitch streamer that killed himself a few years back when the microdosing wasn’t helping him anymore. Dude was taking an ungodly amount of shrooms every day because he’d built up such a tolerance.
Polo1985 t1_j5d87il wrote
It saved my life , it works
[deleted] t1_j5da9z3 wrote
OfLittleToNoValue t1_j5db628 wrote
Mushroom tolerance builds and wanes quickly.
Most people will feel something around 1g. 3gs is a solid trip.
Onset can be an hour or so and the effects can last about 6 hours.
Micro dosing is about .1g every 3-4 days. Using even such a small amount daily can still build tolerance that renders them far less effective.
There's growing research into everything from depression and autism and PTSD and more being helped by psilocybin.
themysterioustoaster t1_j5dbc69 wrote
I don’t think the fact that psilocybin can induce mania should shut down exploring its potential to treat BD. Even medications FDA approved for BD can induce mania. It’d be nice to compare the frequency of induced mania between psilocybin vs mood stabilizers/antipsychotics.
Edit: no I’m not just referencing the infamous antidepressants
dwellerofcubes t1_j5dbqtp wrote
>just hired a maid
I am not of sufficient crust
[deleted] t1_j5dcl90 wrote
Kaylycat t1_j5dddjk wrote
Diagnosed bipolar since I was 8, I took a few shrooms w my ex and it literally lifted the fog of depression, the world wasn't so bleary and eh and I didn't SEE it that way either. Normally life doesnt seem so worth living, and i feel genuinely happy? Normal? I can only say that it did make me feel amazing, I had no side effects after coming off of it and i even had another dose a couple weeks later, felt the same exact way. I can DEFINITELY see this being a natural medicine if taken maybe once a week? And in moderation w a doctor helping you. It seems, by tthe study, that some people experienced the side effects of technically cold turkeying a medication, no different than ssris but maybe something that could be managed with a doctors watch.
[deleted] t1_j5dddzb wrote
ifitfartsitsharts t1_j5ddrej wrote
I am a physician and would NOT recommend anyone with bipolar take shrooms. The risk of an adverse event is too high in people with psychiatric illness with psychotic features including bipolar disorder. Also, many people with bipolar/depression are on psychiatric meds and there isn’t much data on risks of things like serotonin sydrome and other complications like prolonged psychosis, precipitating a manic episode, etc. That being said, we need more objective data (with VALIDATED measures). I recently presented a Grand Rounds lecture on Psilocybin, its mechanisms, and current applications.
Edit: some highlights from the study design and results
Subjects were recruited via online advertisements on the CREST.BD website and social media.
“self-reported bipolar disorder diagnosis”
Sample bias and very likely including misdiagnoses and people with something not actually bipolar (personality disorder, mild schizophrenia, depression, thyroid disorder). There are a lot of people with “bipolar” self-diagnosed. And there are a lot of people who are older that have bipolar diagnoses that are not truly bipolar but were misdiagnosed in the past.
- “On a five-point scale from “Not at all” to “Extremely harmful,” the participants rated the harmfulness of their psilocybin experience “.
Having a wide range of time from last use can affect the results. Recency/time bias, inaccurate recall of events and symptoms the further out they get. Also, not a validated measure.
- “The most commonly cited reason for using psilocybin was to aid personal development, followed by to have fun.”
That’s cool, but I think that says something about the population under study. Patient recruitment methods likely influenced this.
- “32.2% of participants reported experiencing negative or unwanted outcomes during or in the 14 days after a psilocybin trip. New or increasing manic symptoms were the most common side effect. Eighteen people reported the use of emergency services during or in the 14 days after a psilocybin trip.”
Well that doesn’t sound great.
- “While our study shows that some people with bipolar disorder reported positive experiences of psilocybin use, others experienced significant bad outcomes, so using this substance can be risky.”
I don’t like this study and think it’s bad because of flawed methodology. But if it helps to get a clinical trial (which they say is underway), then I guess this weak and biased survey data is helpful. I expect that they would use validated symptom severity scales such as the Young Mania Rating Scale (YMRS) or Bech-Rafaelsen Mania Rating Scale (MAS) for future and ongoing clinical research.
For more info on bipolar diagnosis and symptom monitoring for those who are interested:
Thegarbagegamer97 t1_j5ddtz4 wrote
Only asking this out of curiosity, but when you say it made you feel amazing, are we talking the healthy and stable kind or the euphoric kind that mania can sometimes induce? The article talked about that being a possible adverse effect so would love the input
harmonyofthespheres t1_j5dessb wrote
100% this.
After doing mushrooms several times I completely believe they have the potential to help many ailments/disorders, but honestly bipolar is not one that I would have guessed. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if they made bipolar worse. I remember reading an article that the entropic brain theory of psychedelics developed by robin Carhart Harris hinted that it could potentially be bad for bipolar.
I also have a bipolar sibling who is getting their life together right now and my gut tells me mushrooms would be too risky for them. I would definitely wait for the science on this one.
KittenKoder t1_j5dfr4b wrote
I am personally getting tired of the self reporting "studies" being touted as representative of entire populations. This bad science is getting out of hand, especially regarding woo like natural drugs.
Neat_Art9336 t1_j5dfzy9 wrote
You are absolutely not supposed to consume things that alter your mental state when you have bipolar disorder. That’s bipolar 101. I have it, all doctors have said this.
[deleted] t1_j5dhory wrote
cerpintaxt33 t1_j5di7yd wrote
Bipolar 1 here. This is anecdotal, but I began microdosing last April for 6 weeks and I almost immediately starting feeling better. I began exercising, lost weight and found a new job. I plan to try it again next time I have a downswing.
[deleted] t1_j5dj7u0 wrote
iicyysaberr t1_j5djv0t wrote
Finally, A educated comment. I also wanted to say people treating mental issues with Marijuana can be very bad too depending on the person.
iicyysaberr t1_j5djy55 wrote
Can you explain? I too had a horrible experience.
ifitfartsitsharts t1_j5dksl7 wrote
Agree. Evidence is lacking for cannabis in most of what people say it is helpful for. If people find it helpful, that’s great! It’s still an exogenous psychoactive compound with its own set of risks.
iicyysaberr t1_j5dkzux wrote
Agreed, And we can do more testing if the government would federally legalize it but until then we can't fully test it. But for people saying it's a miracle plant and has not problems is absolute nonsense.
teatimewithbatman1 t1_j5dl10q wrote
Being on meds may be a problem given the pharmaceutical changes of biochemistry.....but we still don't really know what bipolar is. The most we've got is a chemical imbalance that fluctuates during the day, and paired with psychotherapy, different aspects of each day correlating with mental thought processes that push the chemical body into different responses.
CalligrapherPitiful3 t1_j5dlby2 wrote
What we believe is helpful is not the same thing as helpful. As an addict I used to believe using was helping me cope with negative feelings. I was wrong. This is the most ridiculously absurd claim I've read all day. I'm all for the possibility of hallucinogens having medical value, but this is nothing but click bait.
Present_Use_6357 t1_j5dndrq wrote
I took an edible and went catatonic and hallucinated for hours. For the next month or so I had racing thoughts that were so bad I would stare off into space for hours before coming back to reality. The content of my racing thoughts were very paranoid and full of rage. It was like being the most angry you can possibly be, non stop for weeks. When I would come too I would cry because I wanted it to stop so bad but within seconds I would be back in the thought spiral. I also had all the other classic mixed symptoms (depression/fatigue mixed with no sleep, agitation, rapid speaking, and a lot of energy). It culminated with more intense delusions, thinking I was in a simulation and other people were robots ect. I gradually stabilized with antipsychotics but have since weened off of them. Unfortunately, the racing thoughts, rage and paranoia have comeback but to a lesser degree and I am afraid that it’s my new baseline.
MadScience_Gaming t1_j5dnp2t wrote
Bipolar person here. Wouldn't be surprised if those more motivated to self-report were more likely to be on the upswing than the down.
Exoddity t1_j5dp8bg wrote
type 2 here. When I'm on mushrooms, I'm relaxed. Everything I do is more focused, more deliberate, and with greater ease. I'm more creative, I'm more sociable, and generally at my best with regard to everything I do. The world around me seems more vibrant, less depressing, and you would not ever think for a second that I'm "on" something, other than noting how at ease I am compared to normal, if you know me.
The only problem is it's not the kind of drug you can just take all the time. I relegate myself to once every couple months, in order to get the most from the experience. I've been growing my own for the last 13 years or so and have never had a single bad experience with them. But I also have a rule against sharing psychoactive / hallucinogenics with other people because you never know how they're going to react. It's definitely not something I'd recommend to some one who isn't somewhat grounded as a person. If you're given to notions of the supernatural, without understanding (to the best you can, currently) the science behind what's going on with your brain when you take them, I think you're going to have a bad time.
[deleted] t1_j5dq3w9 wrote
RiChessReadit t1_j5dr9f5 wrote
If I smoke regularly for more than a week or two it can move my usual mild depression into suicidal territory. I also get really severe weeks long insomnia whenever I stop using it.
Finally had to swear off it completely.
f4f4f4f4f4f4f4f4 t1_j5drj31 wrote
Thank you, Dr. ifitfartsitsharts! I thought that was funny, but really, thank you for looking into this, and warning people to not mix medications. Bipolar is scary and unpredictable enough as it is, ruining the data will make treating the condition even more difficult.
Conundrum1859 t1_j5ds0qe wrote
Interesting note, working on an electronics device that can induce states similar to DSL but fully reversible and much safer. Uses a novel brain scanning technique I invented.
PurpedSavage t1_j5ds6bm wrote
According to people that smoke cigs it apparently relieves stress
[deleted] t1_j5dt1ah wrote
amutualravishment t1_j5dufta wrote
Some people can eliminate the disorder from their life so thoroughly they no longer have any symptoms. I know it's not something that psychiatrists are known to do, but if someone fails to meet the criteria for a dsm diagnosis, the doctor would have to conclude they no longer have the disorder.
btw5062 t1_j5dul43 wrote
I have depressive bipolar disorder and shrooms did help a little bit for the first 2-3 trips. After that I started having seizures mid trip so I don’t do that anymore obv. Wouldn’t recommend.
sweetgoogilymoogily t1_j5dw6lk wrote
Until you get serotonin sickness from taking them while on medication. Helpful will be the least of your worries!
windythought34 t1_j5dwp6m wrote
The headline says that drug addicts say drugs are helpful? Or did I get this wrong?
JonWinstonCarl t1_j5dxefp wrote
I feel like this study is very disconnected from its subject/audience. I have no medical background whatsoever, but Ive done a decent amount of mushrooms, and I would NEVER recommend them to somebody who exhibits manic behavior or uncontrollable thoughts. Just from an anectdotal standpoint, they amplify anything you are feeling so dramatically that I think if you had a downturn while tripping it would be a disaster. I absolutely love mushrooms, but I've recommended against my wife and friends doing them because they have depression issues and dont have a real medical expert to supervise them.
YoWhatItDoMyDude t1_j5e03nb wrote
I am bipolar type 2 and used psychedelics for a large period of time and the only thing I found was with extended periods of use I had an extended period of depression.
[deleted] t1_j5e3fdu wrote
As a bipolar sufferer I’ve learned the hard ways MOST medications that impact mental faculties have Wiley varying effects on us. Please be wary anyone else with this issue thinking this is a free pass to try this
[deleted] t1_j5e5xi8 wrote
Steveb523 t1_j5e6spd wrote
Helpful, or at least damned fun.
ObamaLovesKetamine t1_j5e9vgo wrote
I think Psilocybin can be a fantastic catalyst to help people get out of depressive spirals; i think where most people who self-medicate with them go wrong is thinking of it as "the cure" and start abusing the substance in an effort to keep the absurd at bay.
It can be good to break a spiral and help one to find the momentum to establish healthier behaviors and coping mechanisms, but that takes more effort than a lot of people who already struggle with depression and the likes are prepared to put in. Genuine sweeping life changes are hard to establish, and even harder to maintain.
GayTaco_ t1_j5ea209 wrote
puzzelers are beginning to make jigsaw puzzle, believe it may be some kittens in a basket.
Please don't take shrooms if you are suffering from BPD based on just this paper.
[deleted] t1_j5eabme wrote
UnopposedTaco t1_j5eb5r5 wrote
Just curious what kind of physician are you? Psychiatrist?
ifitfartsitsharts t1_j5ebdxi wrote
Physiatry / Neurorehabilitation
GroundbreakingDot961 t1_j5eek2z wrote
Psilocybin Saved My Life
[deleted] t1_j5egilr wrote
[deleted] t1_j5ekmw4 wrote
szpaceSZ t1_j5emg2i wrote
Technically even chocolate does.
(Very little, but it does)
[deleted] t1_j5emwqh wrote
Neat_Art9336 t1_j5eq2r1 wrote
Yep. I was told no caffeine.
thewoodschild t1_j5er9mj wrote
I have bipolar it's not fun. But I've never had issues with psychedelics. I do prefer mushrooms though. I've had a lot of personal break throughs and doing a large dose holds me over well for about two months. I know some of the worries with people who are mentally ill using psychedelics but nothing else works like this does. I've tried a ton of meds and none of em do much for me. I'd rather eat a natural mushroom every few months than to swallow a few pills everyday. I'm glad they are finally digging into the benefits of it.
Hi_Her t1_j5eraag wrote
Right. Many antidepressants are known to cause mania in bipolar patients and they get prescribed them all the time.
New_Revenue_4_U t1_j5eun9d wrote
Still won't get me trying them. Heard too many bad stories of mushroom trips.
[deleted] t1_j5euv0f wrote
New_Revenue_4_U t1_j5euyey wrote
Yeah good don't have them do shrooms please.
New_Revenue_4_U t1_j5ev91j wrote
Agree. Have bipolar and smoked weed for over 15 year's. Never again.
[deleted] t1_j5eva2l wrote
[deleted] t1_j5evgml wrote
Holycrapwtfatheism t1_j5ewtbq wrote
Anecdotal and not bipolar but recently fell into a bit of a depressive funk. Tried 2g shrooms for the first time and it was like a brain reset. My mood calmed, the depressed feelings just left. Hopefully more legitimate studies can shed more light onto psilocybin and therapeutic uses.
Chronotaru t1_j5f0kf7 wrote
What's I'd most like to know is how the mania with those who had problems progressed over a longer period, say a couple of months. If the psilocybin helped eliminate or reduce the depression aspects, the mania went no mania for a week, increase in mania for another week or two, then balance back to what it was before the experience while the depression is still either gone or better then I would count that as a win. Meanwhile if the mania is still heightened after two months then that might be hard to justify even if the depression aspects were reduced.
The full holistic picture is rarely possible to obtain from any of these studies with the focus on quantitative data.
Takuukuitti t1_j5f0mbq wrote
No, it isnt reliable. People with bipolar should avoid all drugs. The point psych meds is to stabilize mood. Shrooms do the exact opposite and definitely can trigger a manic episode.
Takuukuitti t1_j5f0tyf wrote
Antipsychotics dont induce manias, but some other mood stabilizers and SSRIs can. That is why they require follow up and are commonly used only with antipsychotics, not in isolation (and should be stopped if hypomania symptoms occur).
iicyysaberr t1_j5f6j8m wrote
What happened when you smoked
[deleted] t1_j5f7t0j wrote
roberto1 t1_j5fd6r8 wrote
You know what feels great when your bipolar. Being manic! Do you know why induces manic behavior in people with underlying conditions. Psychedelics do! You are correct in that these people should not be self reporting. The data will not be accurate. As someone with bipolar I can describe some of my best times and have people around me explain why they were my worst...
[deleted] t1_j5fdt5j wrote
roberto1 t1_j5fdzla wrote
The reason he is bipolar probably because of the weed..
Specialist_Carrot_48 t1_j5fgnc3 wrote
Self selection bias is also massive on this. Those who had a good experience are more likely to respond
turntabletennis t1_j5fhfxh wrote
The euphoria from mushrooms is far greater than I have ever experienced during any mania. It's not an "on top of the world" feeling, it's more of a physical body euphoria with absolute clarity of mind.
I find myself able to think unabated by my own opinions or spin. You are able to rationalize with yourself. Sometimes this rationality CAN lead to intense feelings of sadness, as you accept responsibility for your past actions, or accept flaws within yourself.
I am fairly sure that watching It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia while tripping on shrooms contributed heavily to me quitting drinking alcohol. The reason being that I recognized my own drunk behavior in their jokes. Like damn, I'm the joke. Then my brain rearranged. It's hard to explain, but you truly do THINK a different way with psilocybin.
mrmeowmeowington t1_j5fhqb5 wrote
I’ve attended a few psilocybin conferences and they say the same, if you’re diagnosed bipolar or with schizophrenia, it is dangerous to do while in that manic state. You have to be very careful.
There are professionals in some states like California and colorido where you can speak to them about being prescribed psilocybin and if you’re a candidate.
Please be safe.
pineapplepredator t1_j5fj8d9 wrote
I never knew this but knew a guy who had some paranoia and delusion in his reasoning generally and he started smoking weed every day to help with his tantrums. It helped his moods while he was high but overall, his delusions and paranoia became way worse so that when he wasn’t high, he was acting psychotic more often than not. It was scary. If someone you know is having issues with their reasoning, keep them away from weed
[deleted] t1_j5fle52 wrote
New_Revenue_4_U t1_j5frjsn wrote
i actually don't know if it is drug induced but tbh i wouldn't discount the possibility.
lizardlines t1_j5ftfge wrote
I was part of a clinical trial for psilocybin use for BD2 where I was given psilocybin under observation. I was severely depressed at the time and the experience itself was miserable, just amplifying obsessive thoughts. In the long term it didn’t hurt but I personally would not do it again when severely depressed. But the PI said many participants had good results.
lizardlines t1_j5fu1el wrote
That was my experience taking psilocybin as part of a study on BD2. Amplified my obsessive negative thoughts and was a miserable experience. I’d try psilocybin again but never while severely depressed.
team_pupNsuds95 t1_j5fxuiy wrote
It’s like a fresh snowfall after every time I’ve tripped. All the gouges and cuts I’ve overthought into my daily think box are wiped clean. I’m more content and able to focus for WEEKS after just one session.
ludolek t1_j5fy44g wrote
Let me tell you from 15y experience as a psychiatric nurse in a acute psychiatric ward.
Bipolar people think a lot of stuff is helpful that isnt…
ludolek t1_j5fybq3 wrote
Let me tell you from 15y experience as a psychiatric nurse in a acute psychiatric ward.
Bipolar people think a lot of stuff is helpful that isnt…
Not to talk down psilocybin or anything… just saying
[deleted] t1_j5fz85q wrote
ayleidanthropologist t1_j5fzj48 wrote
Thanks for your input on this. I know it takes time to do write ups like these. But it is appreciated!
themysterioustoaster t1_j5g2whv wrote
Antipsychotics have induced hypo/mania. I know this because of my experience on Abilify. I ended up taking it a 2nd time, was in a rough spot and my thought process was like “well atleast I know what to expect from this one” haha… and had a similar experience the 2nd time! Hypo/mania is considered a rare side effect. I don’t think there is enough data to say how often this happens with patients. There’s even a risk of psychosis with some of these meds. A very small risk, to be fair.
azorielios t1_j5g6dwj wrote
I am bipolar, and before being diagnosed I did a substantial quantity of shrooms. You’re right - it was intense. It was also incredibly cathartic, and for weeks afterward each time I was calmer and more stable.
I also recognize that the plural of ancedote isn’t data, so maybe I just seriously lucked out.
insaneintheblain t1_j5g74ti wrote
They don't believe it - they know it.
[deleted] t1_j5g77wg wrote
[deleted] t1_j5g7l1r wrote
ifitfartsitsharts t1_j5g9d5z wrote
Problem is, when people have a manic episode, their judgment is severely compromised and they can ruin their lives in days (gambling, risky behaviors, medical effects). Some people will spend all of their money during an episode and ruin themselves financially. So even if the absolute risk of having a manic episode is low, the consequences of having one can be catastrophic. Theres no insurance for unintentionally ruining your life (non-medically) while having a manic episode.
easylemon828 t1_j5g9xok wrote
This happened for me too. I know it’s anecdotal but for me I see a real change in the way my brain thinks. Way more stability and rational thought which is way different from my depressive swings. I’m actually able to overcome my negative thought patterns and inner criticism. But something tells me deep down that “tripping” or macrodosing would NOT be positive for me personally. Micro dosing seems to be where I reap the benefits. But I have the same relationship with weed. Small amounts of thc and cbd really relax me, but anymore than that is anxiety/panic attack inducing. But I will also say I’m NOT on any medication. I know pharmaceutical meds and psychedelics do not mix well so I cannot say my experience with both.
Chronotaru t1_j5gai9l wrote
People who have bipolar one already have manic episodes. A very temporary increase isn’t adding anything new, it’s making their lives more difficult for a while in which they might mean they need more support in that window. In a hypothetical scenario it might even be worthwhile to be an inpatient for a week to ride it out of there was a payoff.
drakens6 t1_j5gkdic wrote
The critical thing to note about usage of serotonergics or dopaminergics when recommending their use for treatment is that people's baseline levels of those neurotransmitters, their receptor sensitivity, and theirability to convert/process precursors metabolically into active substances can vary wildly depending on a number of different pathological and developmental factors. Just as with anti-depressants, marijuana and psilocybin can be radically detrimental to individuals with specific conditions, and its use can result in real harm to those people
No medicine is beneficial every time, at every dose, to every person. Everything has it's drawbacks and diagnosis considerations, and safer administration protocols with proper harm reduction controls do exist and can be utilized, even in a non-clinical setting.
hotpepperrelish t1_j5gm8lw wrote
I read another headline today (no, I did not read the article) saying that our gut microbiome has effects on lots of other physiological aspects. Out of curiosity, does anyone know if there's been research into why psilocybin has positive effects on a variety of mental conditions? Is it therapeutic in the psychological sense, or perhaps it effects our gut biome which improves long term mental state?
n3w4cc01_1nt t1_j5gmlrn wrote
If it were a professional treatment do you think keeping a fast acting sleep medication on hand could avoid this?
palsh7 t1_j5gngjw wrote
I was thinking, “people with bipolar disorder don’t always know what is real, let alone helpful.”
Exotic_Crazy3503 t1_j5gnn6g wrote
I’m bipolar an found after 35 years that ketamine is the only med that has helped me
Elessar535 t1_j5guyli wrote
As someone who is bipolar and is prescribed meds by a psychiatrist, I can attest to this. My lithium keeps me from having serious lows, but the caveat is that it can also push me into a manic episode, so I am also on asenapine (an antipsychotic) to control my mania. Basically my brain chemistry is a constant match of tug of war between two prescribed chemicals. It usually works out ok and keeps me in a slightly more balanced mental state, but it can also go terribly wrong and throw me to one or the other extreme; I also no longer remember what it feels like to be clear headed, or to have any real control over my mood/emotions (I can't help but feel like waking up every morning is a complete roll of the dice). So it goes.
[deleted] t1_j5h0147 wrote
Captain_Peelz t1_j5h7h44 wrote
In your opinion, do you believe that people conflate the short term high and associated happiness with a perceived long term positive effect? Because I know several people who swear that it has helped them, yet they show no signs of improved happiness or stability. They just do drugs more frequently.
ifitfartsitsharts t1_j5hoqzg wrote
Yes, I think there is a component of that, which is why studies need proper design for the question and validated measurement tools that eliminate that kind of bias.
ClassyRedandGlassy t1_j5i35ev wrote
Nurse here and thank you for clarifying things to the general audience because I don’t think regular people should be experimenting with their mental health and psychedelics based on Reddit. I fear more self diagnosed people are trying to DIY their mental health these days and it’s having negative effects on their outlook overall. People are using these studies to justify its use but blindly going about doing so in an uncontrolled setting and I don’t support that. Regardless, I know right off the bat that a bipolar diagnosed person has tendencies to abuse substances, how is this any different? Will they not have more potential to become obsessive with the hallucinogenic properties? Seems like a mixed bag
cloudjianrider t1_j5i8887 wrote
I’ve taken lots of psilocybin and lots of lithium and I can say without a doubt the lithium works better. Not as fun as the psilocybin though.
[deleted] t1_j5i943v wrote
[deleted] t1_j5jbatx wrote
omeyz t1_j5pvj2v wrote
Thank you, this is like bipolar 101. Psychedelics could sooo easily be a catalyst for a severe manic episode
[deleted] t1_j5wilfh wrote
[deleted] t1_j6bmfid wrote
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