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Surur t1_j6rdeb4 wrote

AGIs may come slowly if they are very resource-intensive. Say it costs $200 per day to run a brain-equivalent and massive server farms then it may not take over as fast as one would expect.


Bierculles t1_j6ruxs3 wrote

$200 a day for an AGI would be so dirt cheap comparatively that it would annihilate the entire jobmarket overnight. One AGI can replace dozens of people, if not much more. Even if the hardware alone costs $50k and the upkeep is $1000 a day for your own AGI, it would still be considered dirtcheap.

You need to consider that an AI "thinks" vastly faster than us in pretty much every conceivable way, i am talking a factor of 1000 times faster here, minimum. It could replace every single employee in a bank for example and it would be unbelievably more efficient at doing the work than even the best human team of workers in the history of banking.


Surur t1_j6rxsqb wrote

> You need to consider that an AI "thinks" vastly faster than us in pretty much every conceivable way, i am talking a factor of 1000 times faster here, minimum. It could replace every single employee in a bank for example and it would be unbelievably more efficient at doing the work than even the best human team of workers in the history of banking.

I think you are thinking of an ASI while I am thinking of an AGI.


drekmonger t1_j6tcb47 wrote

I think you're scaling AGI differently. It's human-level intelligence, but with all the advantages of a computational platform.

ASI is beyond human comprehension. It's a transcendent AI, a digital god, not ChatGPT+sapience.


TheSecretAgenda t1_j6rdyyk wrote

Like all computing the price will come down.

Did you mean $200K? $200 doesn't seem like much at all.


Surur t1_j6re9qq wrote

I mean $200 per day per brain, so it would not replace workers earning less per day (say in Indonesia).


TheSecretAgenda t1_j6rf0u3 wrote

One AI could run an entire factory though that would make it price competitive.


Surur t1_j6rf8v0 wrote

Sure it could replace the manager, but it would require a super-human AI to replace all the workers.


TheSecretAgenda t1_j6rg4nu wrote

Computers are very fast and can multitask.

I guess we'll see in the not-too-distant future.


arisalexis t1_j6skssv wrote

actually chatgpt can replace any marketing copyrgither now for $40/month