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bball8927 t1_ja88ibt wrote

I totally understand you. I have OCD and everyday something new pops up in my brain/mind and its really annoying. Have faith though. Things will get better in the next 2 to 3 years. For me I overthink everything. I truly dislike it and its so annoying. Sometimes I find it hard to just enjoy life. On the other hand I hope AI doesn't replace all jobs and I hope AI can help people get more jobs. I hope everything gets better for you as well OP!


dasnihil t1_ja89s9u wrote

even better, get everyone jobs that are more fulfilling in nature, where you have to think but not higher level cognitive thinking like programming or math.

think of a grocery bagger's job, there's not much thinking going on there. replace that with a job that reviews how bagging is currently done and maybe work with AI to find improvements on the process, and work with smart people to get it implemented. and go home after your 4 hour work day of mostly discussing ideas with people and prompting AI and be with your wife and cats. it's a 3 day work week and society is ever improving.

if you're too pessimistic to imagine what I just did, go look at early 1900s kids shoveling coal in first world countries before the age of 10. that doesn't exist anymore, our quality of life and respect for kids/older ppl has just gone up over the centuries and it won't stop. we're always seeking ultimate pleasure as a herd mind.