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22HitchSlaps t1_ja8r9fx wrote

I see this kind of sentiment expressed increasingly frequently in these spaces and equally just in general life, though people outside of the AI world tend to just put it down to a more general feeling that change is coming.

I think it's wrong to dismiss this as "JuSt LiVe 4 ToDayz!" Particularly annoying if it's followed by "you could die tomorrow." I'm genuinely not trying to be a dick but ask yourself, is that advice really useful in any way? Are you applying it to your own life? Do people really live for today and love life at their 9-5, day in day out? I don't think so. Our societies have been forward thinking since the advent of farming, modern life is this on steroids, resource hoarding is the name of the game.

We can't go around telling young people who wonder what they will do in life "just live for today" that's not going to help them choose an educational path or understand what they want out of life. Personally I see this question and the attempt to answer it as a fundamental part of surviving "the singularity" as a society.

Pardon the bad metaphor but things feel pointless because we are building a house that we know will collapse. And we're not all building this house because "I just love the day to day!" No it's because we have to work to get money in order to live, working to perpetrate a system that we know is no longer fit for the future. Of course that scenario is going to cause angst, it's fundamentally insane.