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polda604 OP t1_ja4b8n2 wrote

I’m currently using chat gpt to help me with programming, but I will look at things that you writted, thank you for opinion


dasnihil t1_ja7gdw3 wrote

only a programmer who understands logic and concepts will understand the context of possibilities and what/how to make best use of AI.

maybe the traditional way of learning and implementing codes will go away in coming years but logic is not going away and you cant rely on gpt to write codes for you before you learn coding properly. after that it doesn't matter, i use it all the time. so make sure you understand coding and how ai models are trained.


Silly_Awareness8207 t1_ja69pz5 wrote

You need to get GitHub Copilot up and running, it's OP.


AnakinRagnarsson66 t1_ja6ripg wrote

What is Gothub Copilot?


Entire-Plane2795 t1_ja6y4oh wrote

GitHub copilot is a code auto-complete tool that uses a large language model (AI) behind the scenes. From personal experience it saves a lot of time programming.


Drown_The_Gods t1_ja779b3 wrote

My personal experience is that when i’m having a bad day it’ll drag me over the line on stuff I really don’t want to be doing but should be.

Actually, yeah, that is pretty OP.