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RowKiwi t1_j70vpaw wrote

Clinical trials of what?


Phoenix5869 OP t1_j70xwzs wrote

Human trials for senolytics? Idk if thats been done before but thats huge news. One of the main issues with longevity trials on mice is that it wasnt done on humans and so we dont know if itl work on humans.


GayHitIer t1_j70yexh wrote

Yeah, but it's nothing special it was only reversing some small things with intermittent fasting and small dose of sens.

What we will get in the upcoming decades will make this look like child's play.

When we have people living to 150-200+ We will have reached LEV, but for now just eat healthy exercise and keep your mental in check.

Neuralink imo is gonna speed everything up even more with fast access to the internet through your mind.

People will enhance their Neurocortex and become much smarter and have much more knowledge.

2029, 2036, 2045 is gonna be some insane milestones.

Nick Bostrom thinks we will have ASI very soon like around 2030-2040 with over 50%.