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ttylyl OP t1_j73chzg wrote

Yes, but the hungry masses against the military would be impossible. Riots are no threat to the military, they could easily quell rebellion in the states. The only way the war could be won is if a significant portion of the military fought for regular people not AI owning class. Civil war in traditional sense.


Iffykindofguy t1_j73coj0 wrote

This isnt a book, it wouldnt be one side against the other. It would be mass chaos and violence, there isn't a unified "one percent" acting as a unit. Theyre also all out to kill each other as well. It just makes more sense to pay people off then burn everything. The amount of money these people has is staggering.


savedposts456 t1_j73gchg wrote

Exactly. A UBI would be cheaper for the elites than dealing with widespread violent chaos. There’s some famous quote that says something like people are only 3 missed meals away from violence.


ttylyl OP t1_j742ce6 wrote

Tell that to every population avoidably/intentionally starved in the last century 👀

It can and does happen


ttylyl OP t1_j73d6jm wrote

What you describe sounds like a book.

Corporations already work together to raise prices at the same time, especially in medicine and housing. This leads to death and homelessness. Profit is clearly places before human life. Why would they fight each-other and lose money? It is the owning class vs the leasing class, this is a country of usery.


Iffykindofguy t1_j73dj8p wrote

Why would they fight each other and lose money? Because theyre short-sighted humans. Like is more chaotic than you seem to believe. Why would they let everyone else die off so there's no one to buy their shit?


ttylyl OP t1_j73eh3x wrote

Because they have no need to sell, they have all the power they need without human labor, and so human labor will be cut accordingly. There will be a huge class of people useless to the labor market. We have this today, we call them homeless. That is how we currently treat people who cannot participate in the labor market. Why will it suddenly get better if corporations no longer need us.

Again this is in a scenario where ai is allowed to replace humans en mass, it’s assuming governments don’t find a way to amicably deal with the unemployment.