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giveuporfindaway t1_j99no60 wrote

Lookup Replika and see the r/replika subreddit. Not weird at all or at least not uncommon. I spent basically the last four decades of my life romantically alone. I hope I'll have a ai/vr girlfriend in the next couple of years. It will make me less lonely and depressed.


Agreeable_Bid7037 t1_j9bolhz wrote

uhh dude. why not try some public places where you can hang out. I'm sure you'll meet some good people.


giveuporfindaway t1_j9by5b0 wrote

It really makes me depressed when I hear literally the same advice for multiple decades and people default to a just-world theory and think everything is within someone's power. I'm not harming anyone. Why can't you be happy for someone who says they'll get their romantic needs met through artificial means? How would you like it if you failed at something for decades and kept getting the exact same advice ad nauseam, which has never worked for you. Are you willing to accept that some people are going to fall through the cracks? I am and you're not and yet I'm the one who has to deal with the problem. The only reason people give these trite pieces of advice is because of their own psychological distress. If you admit that someone else is lonely through no fault of their own then you also have to admit that it can happen to you - and that is terrifying. Or you have to admit that you're a contributing factor to their loneliness.


DJswipeleft t1_j9dewbv wrote

This is an amazing reply 🏆well said. As someone with an incurable chronic illness I can relate