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Brashendeavours t1_j74zxzk wrote

It’s all good until they implant AI-enhanced ad targeting and engagement. So good you won’t even taste the koolaide.


ReasonablyBadass t1_j75difw wrote

Forget ads. Political views are the real danger here.


coumineol t1_j75jp7z wrote

Forget political views. Sex is the real danger here.


Trouble-Accomplished t1_j75proy wrote

Forget Sex. Extinction of decent human beings is the real danger here.


AnotsuKagehisa t1_j75sd5w wrote

Which ones?


Trouble-Accomplished t1_j75tc5g wrote

The ones who realize, that once you have a genie at your hands that fulfills all your wishes, wishing for porn and videogames 24/7 will push you in a bottomless pit. As a society, we're already struggeling with all the bad things that exploit our primitive desires (fast food, sugar, ..) if you can't control your urges here, there's a high probability of you getting lost in the woods of the digital realm and being seduced by the powers that'll drag you in.


visarga t1_j764pqv wrote

You don't need AI to have porn and games 24/7, and still can't see more than 1% of what is published. Same for music, books, movies, hobbies. In the future we're going to add AI on top, but the mountain was already pretty high.


Trouble-Accomplished t1_j764zxb wrote

Agree. It's just getting more and more addictive is what I'm trying to say. When smartphones came out, nobody was glued to their screen all the time. With social media things got progressively worse over time. Average screentime per day went from minutes to hours. AI will just allow you to make you even more addicted if you don't watch out.

I'm not saying artificial intelligence is the devil, it simply helps you amplify good and bad things by a big magnitude.


visarga t1_j76mcme wrote

There is potential for abuse in it, ..and potential for great good. It will probably deliver both.

I think "evil is other people" applies here - too many trying to control LLMs, we need to be the masters of our models, they should be private and under our physical control, just like our brains. Who will be the first to make a cheap GPT-N chip we can carry in our pocket? Can't let something as private as your AI assistant be spied and filtered by others.


X-msky t1_j765jx0 wrote

Don't ask for porn, ask for satisfaction


ReasonablyBadass t1_j75l27h wrote



coumineol t1_j75mjyl wrote

People will be able to search for any kind of sexual fantasy they want, and it will be created by the generative AI on demand if it doesn't already exist. Thus we simply won't be able to stop masturbating.


Zbot21 t1_j75rh0e wrote

AI is already heavily used in ad-targeting.


YobaiYamete t1_j7659qp wrote

I think most people wouldn't even mind ads nearly as much, if they were relevant. The two most egregious part of ads is

  1. They make them as annoying as possible and they lag the piss out of your browsing experience
  2. They are basically all trash and anyone under the age of 40 completely ignores them and knows not to even glance at them because they aren't relevant / aren't good deals

If the ads were targetted towards me and were actually enticing, I might actually care and look at them.

Like "Oh I see you were looking at a 4090 and computer cases, here's a coupon for 25% off if you buy the case + GPU from our website"

I might go "Hmm well I'm going to have to buy it anyway so I might as well buy from them"


purepersistence t1_j768y8o wrote

>I think most people wouldn't even mind ads nearly as much, if they were relevant

For me, relevant means it's something I'm likely to want to buy. But I'm pretty conservative with my money and I'm not very materialistic. And I'm not a young person building a life. I have a routine that doesn't change much. So if it's REALLY relevant for me personally then I might see an ad per month for a reasonably priced product I can make good use of and wouldn't mind the interruption. It will be a cold day in hell when that happens.


YobaiYamete t1_j78wo8y wrote

IMO that's part of what they have to calculate for relevant. I'm also extremely thrifty and browse sites like slickdeals before I buy anything.

An AI with my search history should pretty easily be able to tell "Okay he just made a big purchase for a $2,000 GPU so he isn't going to be spending much again for a while.

Instead, what about some super cheap stuff that he might need instead. He searched for 'how to unfreeze windshield wipers from windshield in ice' so maybe an advertisement for 35% off a set of windshield wipers for his car which is model XYZ will be enticing?"

IMO that's the main power of an AI ad engine. It should be able to use common sense and make a personality profile for what I'm actually likely to care about, and then budget it for me. It should also know who's extremely thrifty and won't buy without a discount, and offer you a reason to actually buy it


coolman43 t1_j77e4l9 wrote

Oh no, ads for products or services you might actually be interested in!