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Surur t1_j8w68z6 wrote

ChatGPT is an AI like every other AI currently in use. Is it an AGI - definitely not.

How its trained is simple, but the result is obviously very sophisticated - it takes a huge amount of intelligence to accurately predict the next word in a sensible and on-topic way.


Snipgan OP t1_j8wdw4b wrote

Is it intelligence to accurately predict something? I have been told it's not, it is, and maybe.

A calculator can predict numbers accurately for math problems, but many wouldn't say that is an AI.

That's why I set this discussion up to see what people have to say and think on the topic.


Surur t1_j8wes6i wrote

You are oversimplifying.

A calculator can not accurately predict a complex pattern. The more complex the pattern the more complex the algorithm would need to be, and that complexity is what we call intelligence.

Think it through carefully - surely you would need to be very intelligent to generate coherent and on-topic text.


Snipgan OP t1_j8wgbbb wrote

Calculators can most certainly predict complex patterns through the formulas its fed.

We had to calculate with machinery at the time for the complex patterns to even get to the moon. And that wasn't AI as far as I am told.

I am not saying chatGPT isn't complex, but so far that doesn't necessarily mean it is intelligent. But then I am told it is maybe at least a "weak" AI for being able to react and produce language well, but then get told it is just assigning predictability/a number to do so from the data it is fed.

So, if it is complexity that determines if it is an AI, what is the threshold for it being complex enough?


Surur t1_j8wh1fj wrote

> So, if it is complexity that determines if it is an AI, what is the threshold for it being complex enough?

A reasonable question. I am sure you have purchased some home appliances with the AI label that simply chooses the right wash program based on some sensors, and the developers call that AI, so it's just a label really.

The question is not whether ChatGPT is AI, it's where it is an AGI, and for that, it will need to fulfil a variety of criteria, those being able to reason, problem-solve, learn and plan at the same level as a human in a broad range of areas.

Clearly ChatGPT can not do that yet, so it's not an AGI.

It can however be envisioned that these capabilities can be developed, and future LLM with the right capabilities would meet the criteria for AGI.


Snipgan OP t1_j8whrxq wrote

I see. ChatGPT sounds like then it would at least fit into the umbrella term for AI.

So, this might just be me and others misunderstanding AI as something like AGI?


Surur t1_j8wmbvu wrote

Yes, but that is also reasonable, since chatGPT is so accomplished.

But it does have to tick all the boxes, and chatGPT cant learn anything new for example, and its reasoning capabilities are pretty good, but still flawed, with basic logic errors some times.