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lurk-moar t1_j9cijtj wrote

Westworld called, it wants its storyline back.


MultiverseOfSanity OP t1_j9cj9wy wrote

That's more or less where I got the idea.


dasnihil t1_j9ew8yq wrote

if something is not of a physical form right in front of us, the guilt or discomfort goes away for most people and gamers never really will care about the feelings of an LLM based npc. i know i wouldn't because i have to be convinced of something being sentient. I've killed a lot of mosquitoes in my life, they're intelligent tiny little insects but have no amount of neurons to virtualize the suffering and consciousness. Sane with these llms for me, it's kind of conspiracy theorist mentality to discuss these things right now when we know that we're several years away from AGI and god knows if ASI is possible without a biological substrate. i believe it is possible but we have a long way to go.


Nukemouse t1_j9wowdt wrote

I missed the original film which had a for the time advanced scifi plot of a computer virus, something not heavily discussed in media back then