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rising_pho3nix t1_j9j7vs6 wrote

Can't imagine where we'll be in 10 more years of innovation..


ground__contro1 t1_j9j81ii wrote

Perhaps never having to innovate again


Atheios569 t1_j9j9hmv wrote

Yep, and where does that leave us?


GlobusGlobus t1_j9jasjc wrote

In a sex dungeon?


duboispourlhiver t1_j9jhxrd wrote

What a time to be alive


ground__contro1 t1_j9ja29h wrote

At the whims of unknown forces I expect


Ylsid t1_j9jar4n wrote

Unknown forces, like the Megacorp that controls the tech


Nico_ t1_j9jd8d4 wrote

If AIs can be optimzed to run on a single graphics cards there is no controlling this.


Ylsid t1_j9jeu7o wrote

I just hope stable diffusion isn't a one off


Queue_Bit t1_j9jt52q wrote

All it takes is one smart, slightly motivated person to make a free option that's "good enough"


Ylsid t1_j9jtgcg wrote

More than one. It takes a lot of skill, time and money, which are hard to come by if you aren't a megacorp. That isn't to say it can't happen, but that it's much more difficult than you may expect.


Queue_Bit t1_j9jtl2t wrote

Yeah In 2023


Ylsid t1_j9jzkr4 wrote

Exactly. It's very difficult to get the lead on megacorps is my point.


WithoutReason1729 t1_j9jx2u1 wrote

Language models seem to be a way steeper difficulty curve though. The difference between Stable Diffusion and image generators from like a few years before it is big, but the older models are still good enough to often produce viable output. But the difference between a huge language model and a large open-source one is a way bigger gap, because even getting small things wrong can lead to completely unintelligible sentences that were clearly written by a machine.


Queue_Bit t1_j9jyddi wrote

Yeah, for sure, but as technology improves it's just going to get easier and easier. And this technology is likely to get so good that to a normal person, the difference between the best and the world and "good enough for everyday life" is likely huge.


ToHallowMySleep t1_j9jvphi wrote

It already runs happily on last-gen hardware. I've been running it on my 10GB 3080.


walkarund t1_j9k92lw wrote

It doesn't even have to be last-gen. It works well on my 4gb GTX 970 with 8gb of ram, it is very impressive how optimized it is


Ylsid t1_j9jzigu wrote

Stable diffusion works on my 6gb 2060RTX, but I am quite sure GPT3 wouldn't


rising_pho3nix t1_j9jp2rh wrote

Exactly.. endless possibilities. Something like M3GAN could be real.


Slapbox t1_j9kovoy wrote

The first superhuman AGI will likely give its creator an insurmountable lead.


ground__contro1 t1_j9jbr1p wrote

I mean, humans have lived basically our entire lives, as a species and often individually, governed by forces we couldn’t really explain at the time. This still seems different though. Seems like no turning back. But maybe that’s been true for a long time.


unholymanserpent t1_j9jfpjq wrote

Pets to AI


Atheios569 t1_j9jivja wrote

Was leaning towards incubator for AI, but this works too lol.


unholymanserpent t1_j9jus0e wrote

Sounds scary but idk my pets are very loved and live very cushy lives with all their needs taken care of 🤷🏽


NNOTM t1_j9k6gw6 wrote

Just because humans (usually) treat pets well doesn't mean AIs will though - or for that matter, find any use in pets at all


unholymanserpent t1_j9kd99g wrote

You're right, but that doesn't even begin to scratch the surface of potential issues with this change of status. Screw pets, what's the point of having us around? The gap in intelligence between us and them could be like the difference between us and worms. AI having us as pets is definitely on the optimistic side of things


NNOTM t1_j9kecol wrote

Yeah, I pretty much agree


coumineol t1_j9jdre7 wrote

Can't imagine where we'll be in 10 more years of innovation.


sideways t1_j9jjiuq wrote

On a beach sipping strawberry daiquiri, hopefully.


skob17 t1_j9ksqkk wrote

We already have digital nomads that do this.


sprucenoose t1_j9m63h2 wrote

All of humanity compressed into the thin strip of lifeless sand comprising Earth's border between the land and salty depths, with no sustenance except a single alcoholic beverage?


metametamind t1_j9khf8n wrote

I had a wondering the other day: “what does thousand-year old computer code look like?” “Ten-thousand?” “Million?”


Anenome5 t1_j9n5alq wrote

Bam, that's the kind of thing I want to read, because that's a direct reference to singularity :)