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sumane12 t1_j9jz889 wrote

Atleast AI can make accurate predictions for the next character in a line of text, which is better than any religion has predicted 🤣


Fedude99 t1_j9ps9w4 wrote

Religion is just anything you have faith ("belief") in without understanding the belief justification chains (or even that there is such a thing as different kinds of links in belief justification chains).

Thus, modern atheists are religious as well as they don't actually understand the Science (tm) and "logic" that shapes their beliefs, and they end up in culture war battles no different from early religious wars.

Modern science can no longer even predict what a man or woman is, which is just as simple as predicting what color the sky is. As an atheist myself, it's important to acknowledge the win religion has on this one.


sumane12 t1_j9ptb8u wrote

Great post. I was about to counter that religion would require some kind of worship, but there's religions such Buddhism that requires no such worship.


SnooHabits1237 t1_j9rglfg wrote

Whst makes you think that atheists don’t understand the logic behind their beliefs? Religion is based off of myth and atheism is evidence based and logical.


SnooHabits1237 t1_j9rgs3w wrote

Whst makes you think that atheists don’t understand the logic behind their beliefs? Religion is based off of myth and atheism is evidence based and logical.


ninjasaid13 t1_j9js0zk wrote

"ChatGPT might be really great at sounding intelligent, but the question is, can it be empathetic? And that, not yet at least, it can't," added Franklin.

He admitted there's a chance.


gthing t1_j9kgkhy wrote

It's good at faking empathy, just like humans.


monsieurpooh t1_j9nh885 wrote

Anyone who's a staunch opponent of the idea of philosophical zombies (to which I am more or less impartial) could very well be open to the idea that ChatGPT is empathetic. If prompted well enough, it can mimic an empathetic person with great realism. And as long as you don't let it forget the previous conversations it's had nor exceed its memory window, it will stay in character and remember past events.