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LastInALongChain t1_j7qntuv wrote

the government is unethical, its exists to threaten people at the point of violence into following the rules (laws) the country lays out.

What if I want to do heroin for the rest of my life? Why is that unethical? Its unhealthy, but its ultimately my choice. Its illegal because it would make me a drain on government systems and unable to provide tax income or contribute to the economy. To that end the state would choose to enslave me via incarceration if I chose to disobey.

You can say the gov't is necessary to make society function, but it is ultimately unethical.


bustedbuddha t1_j7s8ih5 wrote

I agree, I lay out a similar starting point in a different reply. A government is seemingly the only way to have society, but as the font of authority it existence is implicitly the threat of violence for those who don't conform.