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[deleted] t1_ja1yx3r wrote



EddgeLord666 t1_ja1yyj4 wrote

That’s not remotely comparable, you sound like you have TDS.


[deleted] t1_ja1z428 wrote



EddgeLord666 t1_ja1z80g wrote

Trump Derangement Syndrome. It’s the idea that Trump’s presidency was the worst thing that’s ever happened in the world. The reality is he was a bad president but people make it into a way bigger deal than it actually was.


[deleted] t1_ja1zoke wrote



EddgeLord666 t1_ja1zsl8 wrote

There’s no incentive and most rich people are not psychopaths, even if they somehow managed to accumulate all that power with no one else challenging them most of them wouldn’t suddenly decide to become comic book supervillains.


turnip_burrito t1_ja201ac wrote

I hope you're right.

Do you think they will take pity on us and give us stuff for free when we're all unemployed and they automated all of the supply chain?


EddgeLord666 t1_ja205zt wrote

It’s not a matter of taking pity, it will just be the safest option and there won’t really be much of an incentive not to. In the long run they would be forced to give up power though if technology became more decentralized.