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Tall-Junket5151 t1_ja3whf8 wrote

Well the last 200 years or so have been incredibly transformative so I’m sure people living in that time thought the same. But yea, it’s crazy to think that most of humanity has lived such static and primitive lives, someone alive in the 1300s lived mostly the same type of live style that someone in the 300s did, same with 1000s years before that. Maybe some minor changes like bronze vs iron (which was major to them) but they still built the same type of tools. Reality was so static.

Imagine bringing someone from 1000 years ago into the modern world, it would be so alien to them that it would be like dropping us into a highly advanced alien civilization or post singularity earth. Maybe even more extreme because we understand that it is a possibility, for someone from 1000s years ago they never even imagined it to be such a possibility for the modern world to exist since things did not change that extremely from 1000 years before.