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TacomaKMart t1_j9cn1p0 wrote

>Eventually when the supply is high enough, most people’s work will be worth little to nothing.

Which will bring down most professional writers with it.

The same thing happened in big cities with professional musicians: so many amateurs want to play in front of an audience so badly they'll pay establishments to play, killing paid gigs for the pros.


BigZaddyZ3 t1_j9cowee wrote

Yep. But there are a lot naive dreamers here who don’t wanna face that hard truth regardless. So don’t be surprised if you get downvoted. Even though your actually right.


GenoHuman t1_j9euj3o wrote

This is the point of AI, to kill capitalism and the idea of money. What you are seeing here is simply the final stage where these "stories" have led to a post-scarcity state through AI.


TinyBurbz t1_j9g1cjj wrote

"Eliminating creative labor is the path to kill capitalism"

Do you even think about the moronic fecal matter that you spew from your fingers.