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Pug124635 OP t1_ja35mg9 wrote

I’m actually really socialist. I’m just being realistic. I do believe it will happen at some point. It’s just people saying singularity in 20yrs and we will have unlimited everything and live forever etc. but does anyone really believe that in 20yrs materials to build a whole house will basically be free and we will have ai robots capable of digging up all the roads and installing electric, water, internet and sewers and then connecting all the plumbing and electricity up inside? An ai wouldn’t even know where to begin to dig let alone tap into existing mains and distribute it and the dexterity to do it all.


FeDuke t1_ja38s9u wrote

You can forget about 20 years. I wouldn't even say 200 years. You'd have to start anew on a different planet. But let's say that we stick around here. You could set up production to automate. It wouldn't be one single robot, it would be multiple doing different tasks and coordinating with each other.


Pug124635 OP t1_ja3a91n wrote

I can 100% see this happening just not in 20yrs sadly


DarkCeldori t1_ja5whou wrote

What youre forgetting is two things asi and nanomachines.


FeDuke t1_ja3br4x wrote

Unfortunately, it would take the deconstruction of our current system. It doesn't matter what 'ism' you subscribe to; they all work if they aren't infected by corruption. It is possible to draw merit from each teaching/lifestyle.