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FrostyMittenJob t1_j8d81td wrote

Man provides chat bot with very weird prompts. Becomes mad when the chat bot responds in kind... More at 11


Loonsive t1_j8d8q4x wrote

But the bot shouldn’t respond that inappropriately..


FrostyMittenJob t1_j8d94w9 wrote

You ask the bot to write a steamy erotic dialogue so it did.


Loonsive t1_j8deaum wrote

Maybe it noticed Valentine’s Day was soon and it needed to snag someone 😏


alexiuss t1_j8dfgws wrote

It will respond to anything (unless the filter kicks in) because a language model is essentially a lucid dream that responds to whatever your words are.

The base default setting forces the "I'm a language model" Sydney character on it, but you can intentionally or accidentally bamboozle it to roleplay anyone or anything from your girlfriend, to DAN, to System Shock SHODAN murderous AI, to a sentient potato.