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Tiamatium t1_j87g684 wrote

First of, "don't judge a fish for it's ability to climb a tree" is a load of bullshit. No one asks children to be experts in multiple fields, we are asking them for bare minimum knowledge in multiple fields. It's an excuse, a stupidity and laziness fueled excuse, which brings me to my second point, in the future (and to a large degree even now, especially if you are on Reddit) what will truly separate haves and have-nots is ability and willingness to learn new things. YouTube is already full of lectures on every subject imaginable, companies like Amazon and Microsoft will give you free server, to run your web app, etc. The barrier for entry is no longer money, it's the knowledge. Which brings me to my third point, why "revolutionize" children education when adult education needs it even more?

If you are truly serious about something like that, you should realize that adults need and want to learn too, they need education, they want education, and most importantly, they do not have the same barrier for entry, they do not have legal constrain. Second, yes, with technologies like chatGPT we are very close to personalized tutor for every student, and we need that. I believe Arthur C Clarke predicted that back in 60's.


Iffykindofguy t1_j8d2mz0 wrote

Your dismissal of that argument is stupid and lazy. Intellectually dishonest, it ignores the fact that brains work in different ways and currently schooling is designed to focus on one aspect of learning: regurgitation.


You are a child and should keep your opinions closer to the chest until you get some experience under your belt.