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Nanaki_TV t1_j9pdri6 wrote

You'd have to define since income Warren Buffett "makes more than his secretary" but not on his income taxes. Hence why he pays less income taxes than his secretary. This argument was all the rage of politicians years ago and it still bothers me.


Ambiwlans t1_j9q8b3d wrote

Do what Canada does and just make cap gains count 50% towards income. You get brackets built in.


Nanaki_TV t1_j9qbfjf wrote

I’m not an accountant but my personal cap gains sent me into a higher bracket so I had to pay more taxes. This was on Bitcoin I exchanged for a Tesla. 16k I owe in taxes now. It doesn’t really make sense to me that I owe money on cap gains at all. The government wasn’t there taking the risks with me. Only once I achieve profit do they take from me. I don’t think that’s the way to do it.


Ambiwlans t1_j9qsmlk wrote

If you held the coins for over 1yr, you did your taxes wrong.