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themoonpigeon t1_je1glcp wrote

Does anyone have any thoughts on the psychological consequences of keeping pace with this rapid technological growth? Should we take a breather and let things unfold, or should we stay engaged?

I often feel compelled to stay informed because it seems like a golden opportunity. Being knowledgeable about the latest developments and seizing the first-mover advantage could open doors to financial gains.

However, I also believe we are nearing a point where capitalism as we know it may become obsolete, rendering our efforts pointless.

So to summarize, I think the question many of us are asking is: Ten years from now, will we regret not having closely followed and capitalized on these technological advancements? Or, will it ultimately be inconsequential, given the potential for a future of equal opportunity and widespread abundance?

Edit: My gut says 🎵“Turn off your mind, relax, and float downstream.”🎶


pajarator t1_je237x2 wrote

Check the book "Future Shock" by Alvin Toffler


cant-say-less-info t1_je2kpp8 wrote


themoonpigeon t1_je2m072 wrote

Care to elaborate?


[deleted] t1_je2nl3f wrote



themoonpigeon t1_je2qzdm wrote

I don’t think going inward is a bad idea, but giving up is. There’s potential for this turbulent time to give way to a better world. Why not wait and see what happens and practice in the mean time?


cant-say-less-info t1_je2sbln wrote

>wait and see what happens and practice

That's the plan for now. The rewards, ability to risk, capacity to adapt and fight shrinks with age.