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BreadManToast t1_jebcbz6 wrote

Some were absolutely amazed and thought this technology was decades away, others shrugged it off and thought I was cherrypicking examples


confused_vanilla t1_jebkw28 wrote

Mostly shrugs and "I can still tell it's an AI writing that" or "It won't ever be as good as a human". Straight up denial from almost everyone. A few thought it was cool though and started playing around with it.


AvgAIbot t1_jebm8cw wrote

The NPCs usually shrug it off and downplay it. Some of the worst NPC actually compare it to crypto.

Only met a few main characters and they all were very impressed and starting thinking about how it’ll be integrated into everyday life.


chlebseby t1_jebtb7g wrote

My parents are in denial of big changes soon, they say things like "50 years" or "nobody will let that happen" etc.

Though i understand them. They experienced previous revolutions like computers, internet and mobile phones, yet it has not changed their lives completely. So i just tell them to be aware of things like deepfakes.

Friends in my age either just observe or are interested in it. I know technical people, so it's quite expected.


Warped_Mindless t1_jebxvza wrote

Parents are convinced it’s a guy from India pretending to be a computer. Most of my friends just shrug and don’t care. My business partners are half amazed and half skeptical.


FirstCowInSpace t1_jeby2uq wrote

Not about a friend but myself. I had been aware of AI development, but the last two years I have been occupied with other stuff in life, so stopped following what was happening. Two years ago AI was pretty underwhelming - I was sure we were at least 10 years away from AI passing the Turing Test.

I just talked to ChatGPT a few minutes ago and was blown away. I think if it doesnt keep mentioning that its an AI, the average person wont easily realize.

I asked GPT about a vague Tv show from the 90s, in another language, that I used to watch as a kid. It got it wrong at first - gave me details of another show with the same name, that had celebrity guests on it. So I gave a hint about a couple of characters in the show - GPT apologised and found the right one. It even apologised again , saying that the guest were not actually celebrities in the older show.

I cant wait to see what we get with the next versions - I am hoping for a robot to help with chores around the house. The hallway really could do with some mopping.


Lokhvir t1_jec1pwq wrote

Showed it to about 5 people

Three were super impressed and started using it. One is going hard on it and considering subscribing to gpt plus. The other two are using gpt3.5 only for simple stuff. All already knew and tested art generators, though. Also, all three agree that society is about to change real soon

One liked it. I used it to make a mock interview for them, but they didn't continue using it

The last one was impressed but also terrified and worried it could doom us all.


SupportstheOP t1_jec5s0p wrote

Everyone I talk to doesn't downplay it, but they don't seem to understand its implications either. Even when I tell them there is a very likely chance we could have a human-level intelligence AI within the near future, they are amazed at the fact, though nothing more than that.


norby2 t1_jec7ch2 wrote

Nobody has been amazed yet.


Merrcury2 t1_jeccn6r wrote

I was definitely the more entertained between me and my friend just an hour ago. I wrote an excellent sounding outline of the story I've been thinking of writing for years. I nearly cried while laughing about it to my friend. It's damn near insane to be able to have an idea for a story and just feed as much into a system to visualize possibilities. Fucking mind reading!


IONaut t1_jecfvoo wrote

To be fair, computers have been functioning like magical intelligences in movies for years and years now. Go back and watch John Carpenter's Thing and watch the doctor query his computer. It's all natural language and infers a lot of meaning from very vague input. I think people are desensitized to it already.


Aggravating_Print636 t1_jeciifa wrote

They look at it, see a minor incorrect detail and it basically guide the rest of their opinions. most of them never to touch it again


czk_21 t1_jecmzvd wrote

I would say that computers and internet have changed life of everyone in developed world, unless you live in the cave, difference is this is bigger and the change will be faster as well


chinguetti t1_jed5s7s wrote

I am amazed that not everyone else is amazed. It is saving me hours every day and I feel I have barely scratched the surface. My friends are annoyed its all I talk about :-)


TMWNN t1_jed7ucn wrote

There absolutely are human NPCs, who react in predictable ways without intelligence.

A recent Reddit post discussed something positive about Texas. The replies? Hundreds, maybe thousands, of comments by Redditors, all with no more content than some sneering variant of "Fix your electrical grid first", referring to the harsh winter storm of two years ago that knocked out power to much of the state. It was something to see.

If we can dismiss GPT as "just autocomplete", I can dismiss all those Redditors in the same way that /u/AvgAIbot did; as NPCs.

CC: /u/lurking_intheshadows


SgathTriallair t1_jedbv4e wrote

Dehumanizing language that equates any disagreement with non-personhood is shitty and you should feel bad for doing it.

This is the kind of mindset that leads to real world violence.


TMWNN t1_jedgyc5 wrote

>Dehumanizing language that equates any disagreement with non-personhood is shitty and you should feel bad for doing it.

As I indicated, I am among those who don't automatically dismiss the likes of GPT as "just autocomplete". On the contrary, pattern matching is a fundamental part of intelligence. I doubt there is a Redditor who has not replied with a meme or copypasta. That's normal and natural.

Being unable to do anything else is not normal or natural, or at least should not be. I wish I could find the Reddit post; it was astounding how many, many hundreds of comments all said the exact same thing. That they used slightly different wording made it worse, not better; at least if they had all used the exact same words it would be clear that doing so is part of collectively participating in a larger metajoke.

Instead, hundreds of allegedly sentient human beings a) immediately posted the first and only thing that came to their minds in response to TEXAS = BAD, and b) did not bother to check (or did not care) whether anyone else might possibly have come up with the same brilliant riposte. That is behavior that the term "NPC" well describes.


akat_walks t1_jediqoe wrote

I tried explaining it in a work meeting a few days ago. Talked about how it will change how our department will work forever moving forward. Blank stares. They had no idea what I was talking about. I think some of them thought I had made it up. I’ll be giving a presentation on it in a couple of weeks. Wish me luck!


chlebseby t1_jedpm3y wrote

I mean they do the same job, technology just changes some details of their life. Life itself in 1990 wasn't that different if you think about it. Same sociopolitical system, same goals in life.

And yes, this time change will be bigger, as system and life itself will be altered.


MrEloi t1_jee0avd wrote

A friend who is a Director of a huge firm said that ChatGPT could easily replace some of his support staff.


Pimmelpansen t1_jee13rk wrote

The other day I sat together with a not so tech-savvy friend and we used GPT-4 to come up with a funny name for her Instagram account. It had to incorporate her name, her niche and it had to be funny. We completely laughed our asses off at some of the names it produced, it was so funny and yet also clever. Once we calmed down and picked a name she said "damn, this thing is creative as fuck? what the hell?" and I think I saw some mild concern on her face when this thought hit her.


Sea-Eggplant480 t1_jefa4hb wrote

My mom wasn’t impressed. I showed her chatGPT and she asked me what big deal was if that was something new. Then I showed her midjourney and she asked it, to create a picture of her. Yeah, it couldn’t do it so yeah…


activatore t1_jegwzwc wrote

You get it dude don’t listen to them. I had this revelation recently too, while trying to explain the implications of AI. I realized that they couldn’t understand what I was talking about simply because they don’t actually generate novel things. Predictors can be very intelligent, but at the end of the day they are not much more than big encyclopedias that draw on genuine thinkers’ knowledge. It is not wrong to acknowledge this and not waste your time speaking into air.