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uhdonutmindme t1_jdpqy4v wrote

>but I can imagine

Translation: I can give you examples of inventions/innovations talked about on the internet and present them as though they are my own.


sumane12 t1_jdq0feg wrote

This is not how it's working.


uhdonutmindme t1_jdq30qw wrote

What part did I get wrong exactly? I don't mean it is being devious, just that is doesn't distinguish between repeating training data nearly verbatim, or generating novel sentences.


sumane12 t1_jdq6k9f wrote

If it repeated training data verbatim, hallucinations would not be an issue.


uhdonutmindme t1_jdq6rf8 wrote



sumane12 t1_jdqa3ju wrote

If it repeated training data nearly verbatim, hallucinations would not be an issue.


uhdonutmindme t1_jdqy4b1 wrote

"it doesn't distinguish between" that and making stuff up. It does repeat training data nearly verbatim on occasion. Asking for a list of unique names for cards in a game I am designing, it just gave me MTG card names...