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No_Ninja3309_NoNoYes t1_jaq7gl3 wrote

You need exaflops, the equivalent of a million Nvidia GPUs. And the brain has to use less than a thousand watts. Even if you go full analog and hardwire with the current architectures, you will not succeed. Massive trimming, low precision, and probably forward forward instead of backprop is required. But that will likely only produce dumb robots with static microbrains.

It's much easier to train chimpanzees. Or create chimp cyborgs. Realistic spiking neural networks with neuromorphic hardware could get us robots, but it will take decades.


challengethegods t1_jarjq8m wrote

>You need exaflops, the equivalent of a million Nvidia GPUs

... to do what, exactly?
a $1 calculator is superhuman at math,
it's not a 1:1 ratio and never has been.


Honest_Science t1_jas91pq wrote

Intelligence needs the ability to generalize, narrow AI can barely generalize within the learning space. Emergence of understanding is demanding exponential resources. Any general robot needs a world understanding to be successful. This is also the challenge for FSD, there will always be situations that you can react on if you have world understanding, but fail if you are just an dreaming professor chauffeur.


challengethegods t1_jassves wrote

"please call the manager, this problem is above my paygrade, I am a robot"