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t1_jar5rum wrote

Some massive venture capital firm uses their army of 3.5 million manual labor robots to build power plants and connect up those remote areas with power, water, and internet, all for the low, low price of 2% of the country's GDP forever. For an extra 1% of GDP they'll let you run the systems using their proprietary AI workforce. It'll be the "set it and forget it" of utilities infrastructure.


t1_jatwe1k wrote

>all for the low, low price of 2% of the country’s GDP forever.

Forever is defined as until the next coup d’etat.


t1_jarwz9x wrote

This problem, which is very easy to fix, is they need inexpensive, reliable energy.

Currently a large portion of the privileged in the world, people in western countries, stop this from being available.

Climate change!!! Stay in your poverty stricken lane you lesser people the weak and easily frightened people shout.