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Surur t1_jarnvyy wrote

Maybe judge an idea on its merit rather than appeal to authority, which is literally a logical fallacy.

But again, do you care about your expert having an open mind or not? Because hers is completely shut.


Slow-Schedule-7725 t1_jarpbkv wrote

well id rather an expert with a closed mind than a random reddit user with a closed mind🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ also i literally said “its the content aND the source that matters” and “the source matters just as much as the content does.” not “more,” not “only the source matters.” its a combination of the two, you can’t look at one without looking at the other, thATS the “logical fallacy.”


Surur t1_jarsjkq wrote

Well, given that she is pushing unsubstantiated content, and you are appealing to her authority to try and pass it off, I would say this is exactly what the fallacy is referring to.