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1II1I11II1I1I111I1 t1_je0fjf3 wrote

Twitter (Takes a while to curate your feed, but you get the freshest information there, as well as quality informed content if you follow the right people i.e. academics and researchers)

r/singularity (the rest of Reddit is far too behind talking about AI; r/ChatGPT can have good content amongst all the garbage)

YouTube (AI Explained, Firecode, Robert Miles. Content is very quickly outdated though)

Less Wrong

Hacker News

I actually think people on HN are pretty informed on the rate of change in AI. The recent post about a 3D artist becoming disillusioned with their work after being 'replaced' with GPT had a lot of comments clearly discussing the immediate and massive impact AI will have on society.


Longjumping-Sky-1971 t1_je1wc1j wrote

Twitter is the way, curate the feed with industry experts and the random leaker of info and you will get a lot more out of it than here.


EpicMuzzer69 t1_je22lip wrote

Would you mind sharing who you follow?


Longjumping-Sky-1971 t1_je24bv8 wrote

@goodside,@DrJimFan,@ilyasut,@repligate,@karpathy,@sama,@vladquant, @yoheinakajima, @nearcyan, @bayeslord, @bio_bootloader,@chloe21e8 that’s a few

Edit: I see you lurking 👀