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czk_21 t1_jef00f5 wrote

in couple years human translators will be pretty useless, in sense that AI will do the job same or better but it knowing more languages will still be valuable skill in general to better yourself or if you want to speak normally with native speakers, it always makes other people glad when foreigner speak with them in their language


kikechan t1_jef47sk wrote

It won't make translators useless. You likely have never read a translated work, it's not an easy job.


czk_21 t1_jefqfxe wrote

of course I have read a LOT of translated text, english is not my first language

and yes it will, maybe I could use better term obsolete, how would they be needed when AI can translate better, cheaper and much faster? its same with any other task in which humans will be outperformed


kikechan t1_jefzcid wrote

> how would they be needed when AI can translate better, cheaper and much faster?

not true.
