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D_Ethan_Bones t1_je2q0o2 wrote

Friends gone and family mostly gone, told my mother about Stable Diffusion with a quick cheerful text and otherwise left it.

When people on the internet are either extremely optimistic or extremely pessimistic I leave them be because I don't kick hornets' nests without a reason. When people are somewhere in between I advise against extremes.

We don't agree on what is AGI so there's likely either an imminent AGI followed by ASI not long after or there's AGI not long after followed immediately by ASI.

Some people routinely ascribe completely superhuman abilities outside of processing and memory to AGI, which places ASI roughly around 'the morning after.' Some people call AGI simply a digital humanoid which places ASI maybe a few years later or a few decades if we hit a plateau and struggle to get higher.

I'm expecting there to be a humanity barrier which takes massive human efforts to cross, before which point the AI and the world around it remain stuck at a level vastly above 2010 technology but vastly below 2030~2050 technology.